Fred and Kath's activity

Questions Asked

Hi Everyone. Just testing to see if we are in working order.Moved over a couple of days ago but have been unable to post.Thanks Ronald. If you are reading this IT WORKS. 

Fri, 05/22/2009 - 13:31

Comments posted

Answer to: Car Insurance
Wed, 05/27/2009 - 06:32

Yes. Have sent you a P.M.I deleted it from my reply so he cant blame me for any spam.Good luck

Answer to: Car Insurance
Wed, 05/27/2009 - 06:22

You might like to tryJ. E. ThorpeLombardini & Associati S.r.l.Via Fara, 39  -  20124 Milano   -   MI   -   Italytel. +39.02.36594000 - direct 02.36594004fax +39.02.89697200cell.+39.348.2643440 He was very helpful 6 years ago when he was able to take my UK No Claims Bonus into account.Not sure if he can still do this but it is worth asking. 

Sun, 05/24/2009 - 06:56

Give the local Italian agents in your chosen area a try. Most have someone who speaksenglish and we found the ones in this area really helpful.