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Thu, 05/05/2016 - 06:42

Hi, Lucca is really nice, so are other areas of Tuscany, I rented a nice place just 20 minutes from Florence, they offer long term furnished rentals from 4 months or longer. could be handy, while you're checking out different areas and testing the water.They're English and were very helpful.    If you're looking for a rental on local market you mght need some basic Italian, also Italian rentals tend to be 3 + 2 years contract - often unfurnished, so it's a good idea to get something for a shorter period at the start while you're searching for a real long term solution. Anyway good luck. 

Thu, 04/07/2016 - 12:46

Hi, we've kept a goat for a few years now, no problem at all. just don't sell any products from the goat. It's a different situation if you keep live animals for commercial activity. good luck,

Thu, 04/07/2016 - 12:11

Hi, I've found this long term rental properties handy when I've been in Tuscany for several months, only half an hour from the city.   Best of luck.