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Sun, 01/19/2020 - 22:04

I bought my apartment in Ivrea. My family is from a small mountain town about 15 minutes from there and I've been researching my family history in that region for 35 years.

I don't live there full time. My goal is to visit for long weekends once a month, but lately I've been several times a year.

Are you living in your place full time?

Sun, 01/19/2020 - 21:55

Where in the Piedmont are you buying? I bought there three years ago. ?

Sun, 01/19/2020 - 21:53

I went house shopping over a long weekend in January of 2017....and then worked to purchase a property....all connected to my dual citizenship and genealogy research I have worked on for about 35 years. I'd be happy to share my story. I bought in the Piemonte region.

Thu, 07/14/2016 - 16:43

Keep in mind, Patrizia said she has all of her paperwork in order.  She is trying to hire an attorney to get the process sped up.  If she has everything that she needs, a lawyer is not going to get the consolate to move any faster.  Additionally, once the consolate sends the paperwork to Italy, it could take up to a year. The lawyer would be a good resource to make sure all the paperwork is in order.  I doubt, unfortunately, that they can speed up the process.   

Wed, 07/13/2016 - 18:12

Patrizia-To be perfectly honest, I think you would be wasting your money.  If you have done everything here, an American attorney will have little power over the Italian anagrafe that will process your paperwork.I got my Italian citizenship a few years ago and did so without a lawyer.  I will share that I did need to have someone on hand to call and check on the paperwork.  You may get lucky and have a town registry office (anagrafe) that will work quickly.  My person had to call 22 times over the course of the year.An American attorney, or probably an Italian one, will have little to offer in getting your paperwork done.I'd recommend having a person that can call and speak Italian to check on your paperwork. That will be more of benefit than a lawyer.  Even with that, I'd not plan on this moving quickly, and consider yourself lucky if it does! dolce vita....the Italians like to take their time!Best of luck!Tom