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Questions Asked

Ciao a tutti di nuovo.

Just on to say thanks to all contributors answering questions, particularly Modicassa and Ugo. 

Mon, 01/06/2020 - 08:30

Ciao a tutti.I have a question re property sales.Is there a way of findng out if a house has been sold?

Mon, 10/23/2017 - 07:27

Comments posted

Wed, 04/01/2020 - 13:51

We are in the process of buying...or should say, were in the process of buying.


Everything is on hold till we don't know when, possibly quite a few months away.

Just have to grin and bear it till all this is over and at least hope that not too many more people lose their lives.



Fri, 02/28/2020 - 03:57

Just read this morning on changes in the  new budget.

There will also be help for furniture bought in the process of renovation.


Fri, 02/14/2020 - 09:31

With any seal/wax coat the tiles will never look like they're out of the box. Big difference is they'll look darker once sealed.

The more seal you put on the shinier it will look. Once you have the correct amount it should have a silk finish, make sure you give it time to dry before making the choice on next coat or not. Best bet is to put tight coats on till you achieve the look you want. I can't say how the seals you've spoken about will look as I have never used them. I would go for a water based polyurethane. 

Don't worry about doing it yourself, the seal will be easy to use. Start in a corner or a cupboard First so you get used to it. When done it should resist oil spillages. 


Lastly, if you use a wax at any time every subsequent coat will need to be wax. No seal will stick to wax. 

Thu, 02/13/2020 - 09:59

Hello Marzipan.

Despite a long post the answer is short. 

A second water based sealer, in my opinion, would be sufficient. 

The first coat penetrates but as the tile is made from natural materials it probably won't be even, some tiles will take more seal than others. A second coat will make it look even.

Get a short pile roller and a dip tray which will make coverage even.

Next, if the old and new tiles are the same size and are going into the same area, mix them all up to get a random pattern rather than have part one shade and anther part a different shade. 


Re your maintenance comment. It's a floor, it will need maintenance. It's the most used surface in the house.

I'm a resin Flooring contractor. 

Sat, 09/21/2019 - 07:55

Go premium. Unlimited charges, unlimited transactions

Fri, 09/13/2019 - 13:17

Why not use Revolut.
It's a prepaid debit card that you can load up from your UK current account, exchange your £ to € (or $) in seconds with no charges and at better than bank rates.
You can also transfer funds between other users at no cost.
It works with a card and also an app on your phone where you control everything.
I have been using it for years and will probably use it instead of doing CE when buying our house in Abruzzo.

Fri, 09/13/2019 - 13:17

Why not use Revolut.
It's a prepaid debit card that you can load up from your UK current account, exchange your £ to € (or $) in seconds with no charges and at better than bank rates.
You can also transfer funds between other users at no cost.
It works with a card and also an app on your phone where you control everything.
I have been using it for years and will probably use it instead of doing CE when buying our house in Abruzzo.

Wed, 10/25/2017 - 10:58

Also meant to advise Steve that cost online is €6 and up to €18 for posting the data to you.

Wed, 10/25/2017 - 10:52

Thanks, Modicasa.I have found where to do it online, through Poste Italiane as far as I can see.You can search but need to register (without a codice fisale but require an Italian phone number unfortunately).Mark