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I was wondering what reliable websites for seeking out rental properties in Italy folk could recommend? I currently use, but could do with some decent alternatives. Any suggestions welcome

Mon, 09/17/2012 - 17:49

Evening to all,I've no doubt that this topic is one of the most asked in this community, but no offence, this forum isn't the easiest to navigate and find relevant info. I am hoping to move to Italy next year.

Mon, 09/10/2012 - 14:24

Comments posted

Tue, 09/18/2012 - 03:24

Yeah, sorry should have specified. Mainly looking at long term rental options, but to start I am considering some short term deals just to get in for a few months, and bed in, as it were. But mainly long term options. Thanks for the sites, I shall give them a look.

Sun, 09/16/2012 - 03:58

You could learn some words by memory association - that technique can give you a list of words to use, for naming things, of around 300 or so within a few days. Excellent system, works well, easy to do.  Try and watch some Italian TV programmes, on the internet if nowhere else. Watch how they talk as well as listen. It is great when you start picking out a few words.  Radio is harder because you lack the visual clues, but give it a go. Again, when you start to identify some of the words, and can get the gist of what is being said, it feels good, and motivates you to learn more. Get some children's books. Stat with the basic stuff, ABC Janet & John type books, then work your way through to pre-school and onwards. Really can help. There are a lot of smartphone apps, with flashcards that you can download and use, too.

Sun, 09/16/2012 - 03:53

I will certainly need a landline internet connection, how prevalent are cable internet services in Italy? Generally cable gives me better connections than via old fashioned phone lines. On the point of mobile internet, I was looking at smartphone tariffs from TIM and Vodafone yesterday, they are rubbish! Does no one offer unlimited mobile data in Italy? Would be nice to be able to use my phone or iPad, or my laptop with a dongle, without the old concerns of data limits. 

Thu, 09/13/2012 - 14:32

Thanks for adding further clarification, and the additional replies have given some really useful information. For the person who raised language, you make a good point, and thankfully I have a good level of spoken Italian, I can follow TV and Radio and read to an adequate standard. But it is worth pointing out, as a few friends of mine have moved abroad, with the attitude 'they all speak English, don't they?' which really is a poor way of thinking.  I've changed my search criteria for a suitable location to include decent internet connection, which is something I had assumed beforehand would be readily available. Ideally my move will be in the middle of next year, once I finish a commitment here in the UK. Even if I end up coming back after my first attempt because 'things didn't work out', I know I will learn from my time in Italy. As someone mentioned, it needs to be tried, I don't want to look back and regret not making a go of it.

Wed, 09/12/2012 - 03:42

Thank you for all the replies, very informative and in a way highlights some of my naivety . Coming from the UK, healthcare has never been a consideration, so I shall seek out suitable insurance, and also BB is pretty much available anywhere & everywhere. I definitely do not want to be messing around with satellite! I have not yet decided exactly on location, although I am looking at Southern Italy. My Father is from Sicily, but I don't think I shall be going there. I've been to places in Calabria that I really liked, so that is where I am starting my search from for a suitable place to rent.  So far no one has mentioned the need of a visa, so I'm assuming this is something I don't need to worry about. There are some informative sites out there that have an American point of view, and visa is mentioned often. I guess having an EU passport removes that requirement. Eventually, I am looking to obtain an Italian passport, as I mentioned my Father is Italian, but I don't see him anymore. The pending load of paperwork that will bring though is not something I am looking forward to!