qui già
User Activity
qui già replied to a question: Rough cost of repairing a white road with: "Do you have a house at the"
qui già replied to a question: legal transfer with: "Hi Charlotte, If you gave"
qui già replied to a question: Q re timing of ICI payment with: "Perfectly ok to pay in"
qui già replied to a question: Battle of Britaly! with: "Bunterboy put the glass down"
qui già replied to a question: Battle of Britaly! with: "Ciao Pilch, 'Qui gia' is"
qui già replied to a question: IMU update for non-residents with: "Last time I paid ICI it was"
qui già replied to a question: Thankyou with: "Thanks Janj."
qui già replied to a question: Thankyou with: "Thanks Alma, let me know what"
qui già replied to a question: Future of farming in rural Communities? with: "The Italian government are"
qui già replied to a question: Christmas bonus Postino/Postina with: "Expected by who? Italians"