Nicovanderm's activity

Questions Asked

Does anybody knows where we can buy art supplies around Perugia?We are looking for artists paints, brushes, rolls of blank canvass, somebody who makes up stretched canvasses (fairly large, from 120cmx150cm and bigger), etc.Any adv

Sat, 10/24/2009 - 17:43

Does anyone have an idea what the sealing of traditional cotta tiles should cost per sq.m.?We have about 300sq.m of newly laid cotta tiles that we need to seal and the prices we're quoted seem steep.ThanksNico

Tue, 08/25/2009 - 17:41

Comments posted

Wed, 09/09/2015 - 14:24

Hi Badger, are you still around?I'm busy restoring an old farmhouse in Cannara area and is looking at what would be the most effective system to install.You can contact me directly on nicobanderm@yahoo,com.ThanksNico

Answer to: Electric
Sun, 11/01/2009 - 16:56

The main problem we encountered was that they would not allow any form of solar in the histaorical villages, not water heating nor PV cells!I do understand that it will ruin the villages...but my bank does not....In SA we installed solar geysers and save about 60% of our eletrical costs.