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Mon, 11/09/2020 - 02:23

Hi ,

We have a lawyer in Gubbio he has helped us in all kind of problems we had and has become our friend .

He doesn't speak English but he is extremely connected and well he is Calabrese, he will know how to speak to your neighbor. 

His name is Francesco Gagliardi  and if you wish I will send you his phone number.


Sat, 10/21/2017 - 08:15

800€ per year and its my first year so class 14 insurance and I drive a new Audi A3 so ..........

Fri, 10/20/2017 - 12:23

Hi.I think the prices you quoted are a little high and he can save a few hundred euros on for the little car with 500 km a month for 180 € ? As far as I know 1 liter of benzina costs about 1.5 €so we are talking about 120 liter of benzina . A small car averages 10 km per liter so so 1200 km a month, unless of course your idea of a small car is red with a yellow horse and "Ferrari" logo .Even if you include insurance you will not reach that price.

Fri, 10/20/2017 - 00:54

Hi,yes 1500€ per month.

Thu, 10/19/2017 - 15:55

Hi,totaly not true about the six month limit , if you get a long term visa like an elective residency visa and then a permesso di soggiorno then you can stay for as long as you can afford it.I live in Umbria not Tuscany and I can tell you its beautiful , less touristy and cheaper to live for a budget , that depends on how you live but you can live well on 1500€ in Umbria.