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Mon, 10/01/2018 - 00:49

Bear in mind that many of the smaller vineyards don't offer tours because they simply don't have the staff or the resources to offer a tourist experience and so don't advertise this online. I would go with whatever is available but then ask on the ground if anyone has contacts for a private tour. Most vineyards don't make money on tours because the footfall isn't big enough and if their output is too small to export then there are no advantages to 'spreading the word' via a loss leader activity.

Thu, 09/20/2018 - 01:12

There is a very good English-speaking agent in Sulmona called Paul de Angelis at Unipol (Porta Napoli). Why not get in touch for some advice?

Thu, 09/20/2018 - 01:07

No. The EHIC is for emergencies only. You need full cover - even as a UK (I assume) citizen you are not entitled to health coverage here unless working with a contract, or of retirement age. If you have / are neither you need a health insurance policy. These vary in price and coverage so find out exactly what your Comune needs and wants before buying. Only when you have presented that to the Comune will they give you residency. Then go to the local ASL to get registered with a doctor. It is a common myth that all EU residents are automatically entitled to free health care. There is often a degree of interpretation though so some people have been lucky and have avoided this step.

Sun, 09/09/2018 - 02:01

The TUA website gave me an instant reply. Tomorrow there are 4 buses in the morning at almost hourly intervals. Mostly taking an hour but one has a change at Popoli. Are you looking at the wrong site / wrong page? Any particular reason for Tocco? Perfect house? Family connections? IMHO it's nothing special (although nothing wrong with it...) and in Abruzzo there are plenty of places that are wonderful! We've been in Sulmona for 9 years.