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Sat, 06/16/2018 - 02:37

Hola Ibi,  my email address is: I shall look forward to receipt of the pics & info & assure you of a prompt review/response. Grazie, luigi

Fri, 06/15/2018 - 11:41

Hi Ibi & quite an interesting postion for you. I am going to the Vasto area in a week to look at purchasing a property & your situation piqued my interest. I just finished reforming my condominium in Marbella & I am looking to do something in Abruzzo as I seek to split my time between Spain & Italy. If you could provide me some information please let me know & I shall send my email address. Property description, driving times to coast, pics etc. would be helpful & perhaps I could take a drive up to the area  & check it out.  I know your initial  inclination is to swap for something in the UK but perhaps there is some basis for a discussion in another type of workable transaction. Molto grazie, Luigi