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Thu, 02/14/2019 - 04:17

I've was living in Rome when I got my first 'taste' of Umbria the southwest side which is very little discovered. I had a client who wanted to buy a 'rudere' to rebuild for a weekend escape. I didn't believe her when she had planned to drop the children off at school, drive to Umbria and visit several sites and actually return in time to fetch the children from school at 16:00! This area is just off the A1 Autostrada either with the Attigliano or Orvieto exits.  We'll to make a long story short, I've been here for about 13 years (5 constantly) and this area is completely forgotten by tourist guide books. You must consider we are on the border of Umbria, Lazio and Tuscany and we have the pleasure of discovering our similarities and differences in at least 15 minutes drive. We also have the advantage of having the Tevere in our panoramas, the WWF Oasis Lago di Alviano, Etruscan and Roman ruins, grotte, archeology, hundreds of hilltop villages, thermal baths, cities of art, the list is long...and not many iknow about it. Discover 'our side' of Umbria...the Valle del Tevere & Amerina Hills.

Thu, 01/24/2019 - 03:59

Hi JC,I agree 100% with Ugo & Ronco! I'm an 'recupero' architect and when you're buying property with abusive anything...DON'T! Working with the infrastructure for old buildings = thick walls..which do not always mean strong walls, entails lots of money Ugo wroteSo it will be necessary to build a new drainage pipe for the bathroom, and if the house is old,believe me, the cost of sanitary furnishings will be totally negligible (around 1000 euros) and their implementation (around 3000 euros with the pipes), compared to the creation of a new drainage pipe inside the ancient walls, in addition, of course, to a new sewage pit <fossa imoff> that between purchase and installation, will cost around 3000 euros.I'd talk to my collegue Ronco who answered above, better to be safe than sorry! Good Luck!

Thu, 01/24/2019 - 03:46

I agree with robbiemarche and italmover! Consider also Orvieto which is just 20 min. from our Casale Prato delle Coccinelle. Orvieto is a beautiful town, lots of language and American Universities even though I agree with Marklt, I've been living abroad all my life and I prefer 'full immersion' into the culture. I would suggest my area however a car is essential.