rebeccaschott's activity

Questions Asked

Hi everyone, I'm considering purchasing a property in Mussomeli and have spent a few days here exploring the town.  I was just wondering if anyone else knows of any english speakers that live in this region?  Or if anyone has had first hand experi

Wed, 02/27/2019 - 13:15

Comments posted

Thu, 09/05/2019 - 07:47

Hi Joanna, yes I completley agree.  It's a bit of a leap of faith.  I didn't purcahase when I was there in March due to unfortunate circumstances, although now I have a bit more of a better understanding of the process if I manage to find a place again I won't be letting it slip through my fingers.  I'm planning on returning either later this year or early next to spend a proper amount of time to explore the area and meet the locals.  As well as see what other properties are available.  It's not a small undertaking so I don't want to disillusion myself as to what work is going to be needed to renovate.  Hopefully it'll all work out in the end though!

Thu, 09/05/2019 - 07:45

I was only there a few days.  I actually found a place I loved, however, unfortunately through miscommunication the purchase didn't happen.  I'm still considering purchasing there, although I'd like to spend longer than a few days to properly explore that region.  As I'd be using at a primary base I really want to make sure I love the area.