Technically, if you're going to be living in Italy for more than 183 days a year it doesnt matter where your business is, you will be taxed in ITaly. As a libero professionista, and consulente, you 'should' be registered at the camera di commercio which will automatically open your INPS account - and you should then get a decent commercialista and get a partita IVA (VAT no) and then give the government all your money.....
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Technically, if you're going to be living in Italy for more than 183 days a year it doesnt matter where your business is, you will be taxed in ITaly. As a libero professionista, and consulente, you 'should' be registered at the camera di commercio which will automatically open your INPS account - and you should then get a decent commercialista and get a partita IVA (VAT no) and then give the government all your money.....