Dreamer or not's activity

Questions Asked

Is renovating even realistic?


I am looking at this rather ramshackle house: https://www.idealista.it/en/immobile/15460155/

Wed, 12/16/2020 - 03:34

Taxes and municipal expensesHi allI have been trying to determine, roughly, what my yearly expenses will be owning a house in Cuneo province.I plan to use the house as a prima casa and live in Italy full time.Am I correct in assuming that Taxes an

Wed, 11/27/2019 - 04:47

Hi everyone I have been formulating a dream over the last year or so, and that is saving up to move to Italy and retire at age 51 or 52. I am by no means wealthy, but I could probably save enough to have apx.

Wed, 10/09/2019 - 06:27

Comments posted

Fri, 12/18/2020 - 09:39

Allright, allright, allright. I knew it. It’s a crap house, but the view was just so good. 
so how about this one? I just don’t get why it’s so cheap? Must be a poor roof or a heavily trafficked road?


Thu, 12/17/2020 - 02:28

Thanks for the curt reply, Steve.

Kinda what I figured. Too bad. In Denmark, where I am from, you just do this yourself, almost no questions asked, no permission needed. Guess I need to find a house that isn't in need of more than paint and a kitchen.

Which is a shame, I was looking forward to doing some renovations, working with my hands. But that's not really possible in Italy, I guess. Too many rules.

Wed, 04/01/2020 - 08:40

Thanks for the reply.

Your case certainly makes my plan sound somewhat realistic.

May I ask, what are the communal expenses for such a flat? I have been trying to gauge the apx. level of fixed expenses for the house, but they seem very low. About 1,000 euros annually for various taxes and renovation. Does that sound right?

Water, exectricity, etc comes on top of that of course.


Mon, 12/09/2019 - 08:05

@stevegwmonkseaton thank you for your replies. That was what I figured. The reason I asked is that I wanted to see if I had understood correctly. I an from Denmark, and here those expenses are quite higher than they would apparently be in Italy. I justed needed to make sure I wasn't missing something. 

Fri, 12/06/2019 - 08:40

Sounds a lot harder and more expensive than simply installing a new IKEA kitchen, where doors and tops kan be replaced over and over again at low price, no fitting needed.

Fri, 12/06/2019 - 07:43

Of course living expenses depend on that, but I wouldn't expect the taxes and minicuipal expenses on the house to do so. The only thing I am asking about is the approximate taxes and municipal expenses for a house in the 40.000 euro range, in the Cuneo area.

Fri, 12/06/2019 - 05:48

Thank you fot your reply. It's a helpful calculator.Would anyone like to share their own experiences, expenses perhaps, so I could get an idea of what the true number is likely to be?I am only in the planning stages, but a reasonable idea of monthly/yearly expenses is vital to that planning, so I would appreciate any numbers you could throw at me. 

Mon, 10/21/2019 - 03:20

Thanks for the update. 7 months, whoa. Sounds pretty rough, I can't even imagine the Italien red tape you must've dealt with. I see it mentioned a lot that electricity is much more expensive, but online statistics show that the price pr. Kwh is about the same in Italy as in the UK. About 20 cent in UK and 23 cent in Italy, including taxes. What am I missing?Keep in mind I am saying this from the most expensive country in Europe (Denmark), with 30 cent per Kwh. 

Wed, 10/16/2019 - 09:46

Hi bessopianetto Since I will probably be in the same position as you at some point in the near future, I would love to know how it all worked out?

Wed, 10/16/2019 - 09:44

Hi djenkinson33 If you don't mind, I would love a follow up to your story here. Did it all fall through, or are you still buying the apartment?