pendy's activity

Questions Asked

In my Geometra's breakdown of technical fees, in addition to his proposed 9% fee, he has included an additional 4% for 'contribution to guild of geometras'. Any comment or advice? - Do I have to pay this?

Tue, 04/13/2010 - 19:03

Hi there. I came across the community section just before Christmas and have been struck by the quality of the information being exchanged and the generosity of contributors advice.

Mon, 01/25/2010 - 18:35

Comments posted

Fri, 04/09/2010 - 18:30

Thanks for all your comments....I didn't intend to provoke a professional geometra V architect spat.....! However, the exchanges are revealing and it would be interesting to hear some forthright appraisals of the other trades and services encountered in Italian renovations... I strongly suspect that the path to the Italian dream house has two lanes that are very differently priced: one for stranieri like me and one for locals/those who know better - or am I a misguided cynic? Advice/contacts made on this forum have shaped the approach to my renovations and some of the themes introduced by others resonate with my experiences so far.  I have considerable experience, successfully renovating here in the UK in my own (old) home and for business.  I remain surprised/shocked at the cost of renovating in Italy and will have to phase the job to allow me to proceed (near Cortona/Camucia). Windows, doors, electrician are still an issue - so if anyone has any recommendations I would love to hear from you.  I would also be interested to hear comments on:   1) a separate €2.5k charge for each of the geometra’s & plumber’s trade association (benevolent fund-type contribution) included in I have to pay this? I wish them all well for their retirement but I could hasten my own if I can trim unnecessary costs. 2) suggestions on kitchen suppliers...I'm very tempted to go contemporary with the kitchen (very traditional on the core renovations).  I like a contemporary/modern blend. 3) forgive me for being naive but is it accepted practice that the geometra will take commission from trades employed (where's the objectivity/acting on MY behalf?)  Ref Beeryspice...  'And the percentage that they get by way of commission from the various trades involved in their project is rather less as well.' 4) pros and cons of salt water pools & pool heating. (Plan is for a 12x5m salt water pool.) ......... finally & ref the geometra/architect discourse....I was advised that I needed a geometra and that an architect would be an additional expense.  If this is not so, and architects deliver the entire package at similar costs to geometras, I guess they need to get that message out to the estate agents and builders who seem to think otherwise.  Certainly I would have appreciated a holistic approach to the design and project management with, and this is my biggest issue with my geometra, an English-speaking project manager/technical advisor/designer (thank goodness my builder speaks perfect English).  

Sat, 01/30/2010 - 20:19

Thanks to everyone who replied to my post.   Responses seem to indicate that, in general, initial quotations are typical. The over-budget estimates for my renovations present a big challenge but I have just returned from Italy after meeting with the Geometra and potential builder to discuss a trimmed specification that I hope will bring the project closer to budget - although I don't detect much enthusiasm for discounts from the builder/contractor. We'll see.   I am trying to drill down through the big picture to understand exact specifications/offerings and I am finding that experience here in the UK isn't as transportable as I assumed. A contingency cost that I think I may need to build in is water filtration of our well supply for domestic use/drinking and perhaps even an additional well. Does anyone have experience of this?: what filtration kit is best/how much/cost for a new well in Val di Chiana, (on the plain).  Also, does anyone know a typical daily rate for a skilled tradesman and skilled labourer in Tuscany? I have soooo many questions.......... Thanks again for responses; all very helpful.