User Activity
alan h replied to a question: The New Mini Quiz for the Abruzzo Earthquake Appeal with: "Stig?"
alan h replied to a question: Utilities with: "".I need to get a permesso di"
alan h replied to a question: A great little italian dictionary with: "My First 1000 Words - Italian"
alan h replied to a question: Calling the emergency services with: "Yes you can use a UK mobile."
alan h replied to a question: Milan - Help Please with: "Things to do"
alan h replied to a question: THE Italian queuing system... with: "Surely "Italian Queueing"
alan h replied to a question: Driving to italy with: "Delays entering Gotthard Tunnel from Italy?"
alan h replied to a question: The Pound on an upward trend with: "Rallying Again!"
alan h replied to a question: Markets with: "According to"
alan h replied to a question: Electronic Goods (TV/HiFI) with: "Adaptors"