User Activity
alan h replied to a question: Renovation in Grottole with: "Well ................."
alan h replied to a question: Euro bankers draft - offshore bank with: "Several years ago ................"
alan h replied to a question: New Roofs with: "Pictures ..................Photo Gallery"
alan h replied to a question: Cost of living..?? with: "Well ................"
alan h replied to a question: Whats happening here? - surely too cold .......... with: "............."
alan h replied to a question: Hotel recommendation in Venice when driving with: "Stay outside Venice and save money .......?"
alan h replied to a question: Design changes after permissions granted with: "Well ......................."
alan h replied to a question: Camping our way to Italy with: "Well .................."
alan h replied to a question: Ryanair Credit Card with: "Worth considering, when buying a home ........................."
alan h replied to a question: Prices for new roof in Emilia-Romagna with: "Well ........................."