User Activity
Badger replied to a question: How to choose energysystem and insulation? with: "Advice"
Badger replied to a question: Cooking with wood??? with: "This site might help"
Badger replied to a question: Computer specialist with: "Digital or Anologue Phone"
Badger replied to a question: Free energy at no cost with: "3Kw"
Badger replied to a question: Crikey, I'm blowing of mine own trumpet with: "Thai food"
Badger replied to a question: Information on alternative energy solutions with: "Latest update from Enea on tax deductions"
Badger replied to a question: Information on alternative energy solutions with: "Insulation"
Badger replied to a question: Is anybody selling a concrete mixer in Le Marche with: "Try one of the hire places"
Badger replied to a question: Integration with: "Someone in Iran must have seen this post"
Badger replied to a question: heating advice with: "More Detail Needed"