Carla Passino
Articles by Carla Passino
Words by Carla PassinoLooking at the buildings, you just wouldn't guess. Milan is a mishmash of graceful Romanesque churches, grand, somewhat stodgy 1…
Words by Carla PassinoThe Italian property market is showing the first signs of recovery. The news comes from two of Italy's most established estate a…
Glittering turquoise waters, candid rocks drowning into the waters, the scent of lavender in the air. And perched daintily on the shore, a neat row of…
Words by Carla PassinoA cobalt sea pushes deep inside the bay, lapping the foot of rugged white cliffs, almost like a Mediterranean fjord. Guarding on…
Words by Carla PassinoImages courtesy of Alessandro Vecchi and Twice25Thick and bulky, the hill of Bard stands incongruously in the middle of a narrow…
Words by Carla PassinoSituated just 50m from the beach, this cream-coloured villetta affords far-reaching views over the turquoise waters and palm-lin…
Like tiny soldiers standing on attention, tidy rows of perfectly trimmed vines climb up a gentle hill, emerald against a baby blue sky. A soft breeze…
Words by Carla PassinoThough the market has slowed down, seaside resorts in the two southern Italian regions are stable year on year.The property down…
Words by Carla PassinoA smattering of taupe outcrops rises above teal-hued wavelets in Nora, a peninsula in Southern Sardinia. At first, this looks bi…
Words by Carla PassinoThe small Ligurian village saw record house values, which are ten times higher than the Italian average and up to 124 times high…
Sculpture-ringed terrace thick with red, yellow and white flowers cascade down a hill to the shores of a sapphire lake. Topiary shrubs perfectly trimm…
Words by Carla PassinoValpolicella’s hills rise and fall in a sinuous cascade of foliage. Oak and chestnut trees crowd the summits, lording it over pe…
Words by Carla PassinoProperty prices in Northern Italy’s coastal resorts went down by an average 3.3% Northern Italy’s seaside resorts proved more re…
Summer is a difficult time for football fans. No matches—with the exception of a couple of insignificant friendlies—mean no spectacular goals, no pori…
Words by Carla PassinoAn ocean of vineyards cascades down a gentle slope, ringing the stone homes and red roofs of an ancient hillside village. Up on…
Words by Carla Passino - Pictures by ENIT and Wikimedia CommonsProperty prices across the Italian lakes went down by an average of 4.2% but prestige h…
Hundreds of gastronomic events take place across Italy in summer. We have selected three of the most mouth-watering ones.
Summer in Italy means blue s…
Words by Carla PassinoThe Italian property market is slow but agents expect it to improve in the future. This is the result of a survey by Banca d’Ita…
Words by Carla PassinoSet among verdant hills close to Padua, this stone rustico affords lovely views over lush vineyards, olive groves and fieldsLoom…
Words by Carla Passino - Pictures by ENITDemand is holding up in the southern Italian capital and on the sought after resorts of Ischia, Sorrento and…