Katia Amore
Katia has been collaborating with Italy Magazine for several years now and in late 2010 joined as the Editor - providing a host of new ideas and a fresh direction for the site.
She started working for the media when she was just a student at the Ca' Foscari University in Venice, working for a local TV channel and collaborating with various magazines. She then got her Master Degree and Ph.D in Ethnic Relations from Warwick University in the UK, where she also studied for her Certificate in Journalism.
She currenlty lives in Sicily, where she runs her cookery classes and is working on a Sicilian Cookery book.
Articles by Katia Amore
While Halloween is not an Italian tradition by any means, the country offers several opportunities for those on the trail for spooks. Here are some ch…
Many experts say that one of the reasons many of us are overwhelmed and over-stressed is because we just can’t bring ourselves to say 'no' to people.…
Our Word of the Week series continues with the word BENVENUTO (welcome in English) as you will always be welcome to Italy and, especially, to ITALY Ma…
As the US federal government gradually came back to life on Thursday after a 16-day shutdown, we thought it would be useful to explain to our readers…
As we enter the season for the most prestigious truffle, Piedmont White Truffle, we look at the king of the culinary world and describe some of the ma…
“La Grande Bellezza” (The Great Beauty) by Italian director Paolo Sorrentino will be Italy's contender for the Academy Award for best foreign language…
On Saturday, October the 12th, Italy celebrates Chocoday, a day dedicated to quality chocolate, and promoted by the organizers of Perugia's famous cho…
As the "bible" of Italian manners "Il Galateo", first published in 1558, is now out in a new translation by M. F. Rusnak (University of Chicago Press)…
Today Italy celebrates Italian grandparents with la Festa dei Nonni. Grandparents Day is a celebration introduced in Italy on the 31st of July 2005,…
On Saturday, September 28th, Italy will celebrate the European Heritage Days, a cultural event first conceived by the European Council in 1991 as a wa…
The president of Barilla, the world's biggest pasta maker, explained his company would never make ads that portrayed gay families and now activists ar…
In our 'Inspired Stays' series, we usually present interesting buildings and locations that can inspire an unforgettable, 'out-of-the-ordinary' vacati…
La Gatta di Sant'Andrea (the Female Cat of St. Andrew), also known as "La Gatta", a monument of medieval origin placed in the little churchyard of St.…
Italian luxury brand Tod’s has come to the table with various offers to save some of Italy's national cultural landmarks. The famous shoemaker recentl…
The general car industry may be going through a rough patch, but these are boom times for classic cars it seems. Classic Italian cars that is.
The we…
I have to admit that when I first saw pictures of Domenico Crolla's pizza art, I thought they must have been baked in a "Photoshop oven"!
I found the…
Papa Francesco, Pope Francis, has made his first pastoral visit outside Rome, meeting and praying for migrants on the Italian island of Lampedusa, off…
Italy Magazine was, without a doubt, one of the first English on-line magazine to talk about the great voices of the young trio of tenors Il Volo. We…
We cannot stop following Italian astronaut Luca Parmitano on Twitter as he posts incredible pictures of his out of ordinary experience.
The picture ab…
Today we celebrate Food Revolution Day, international chef Jamie Oliver's campaign to get people better connected to their food and improve the way th…
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