Articles by Natalie Aldern

After several important regional elections brought Silvio Berlusconi’s hold on power into question, Italians are once more heading to the polls to cas…
Italian luxury brand Tod’s has come to the table with yet another offer to save a national cultural landmark. The famous shoemaker recently pledged 2…
An attention-garnering profile has been published by The New Yorker which portrays Italy's prime minister as an ageing Hugh Hefner, incapable of runni…
For over a week, the digital clocks in Catania have been perplexing owners by skipping ahead 15 to 20 minutes every day.The inexplicable time changes…
The gorgeous Giardino della Kolymbetra in Agrigento As summer temperatures soar, families are seeking solace in the shade of Italy’s most beautiful pa…
Art historian Luciano Buso has proposed a controversial thesis in his new book about the Shroud of Turin. Buso claims to have found proof that an Ita…
Cattelan's disputed pigeonsThe opening of the famed Venice Biennale has been marred by protests. Animal rights activists are demonstrating against th…
The largest gay pride parade in Europe has drawn the attention of a larger than life performer. The Europride 2011 committee has announced that inter…
The famous Sagra delle Fragole began yesterday in Nemi and will run from the 5th to the 12th June in the Albani hills near Rome.Nemi is often known as…
The first edition of Moviemov, a traveling festival designed to expose foreign audiences to Italian films, is set to open in Bangkok from the 8th to t…
Vogue Italia is creating waves in the fashion world with its choice of cover girls for the June 2011 issue. Editor Franca Sozzani has featured three…
Leaders from 80 international delegations arrived in Rome this week to take part in the 2 June celebrations to mark the founding of the Italian Republ…
The sixth annual Rome Film Festival will take place this fall with legendary composer Ennio Morricone acting as head of the jury.The musician is best…
The search for Mona Lisa’s remains have yielded a promising find. Experts have uncovered a skeleton in the Florence convent where the model for Da Vin…
Gucci is going green with a new line of eyewear, producing eco-friendly glasses with Safilo.The luxury brand will team up with the eyewear giant in or…
Seven experts will stand trial for supposedly failing to accurately evaluate the danger of L’Aquila tremors in 2009.A judge has decided that the group…
Any day in Florence is a delight, but the next three days will be especially sweet with the Firenze Gelato Festival in town for the second year.From 2…
Sofia Coppola, American actress and director, is planning an intimate summer wedding in southern Italy.The filmmaker will wed her French rock star fia…
For those who have been waiting for a way to bring their Lamborghini out Monday through Friday, the chief executive of the luxury car company has anno…
Concerned with the economic slowdown impacting summer plans for needy families, a town near Lucca is offering free beach umbrella rentals to residents…