User Activity

Rickardo Image
Rickardo replied to a question: Earthquake...... with: "A shame the early reports"
Rickardo Image
Rickardo replied to a question: Euro 2012 with: "  First I am called a"
Rickardo Image
Rickardo replied to a question: Linda Vernon with: "I nether knew her, nor of her"
Rickardo Image
Rickardo replied to a question: POPE FRANCIS with: "  What I just did with"
Rickardo Image
Rickardo replied to a question: Anti-seismic scaremongering. ... with: "Yes Yes No"
Rickardo Image
Rickardo replied to a question: What are some people like.... with: "  Oh Flip, you don’t"
Rickardo Image
Rickardo replied to a question: Greed with: "  Is it really greed, or"
Rickardo Image
Rickardo replied to a question: Euro 2012 with: "  OK, I made a mistake and"
Rickardo Image
Rickardo replied to a question: Where did all the posts go? with: "There is Administrator here?"