User Activity

Valentina+c replied to a question: Hello from Salerno Christmas reaths with: "Benvenuta"
Valentina+c replied to a question: Kercher case verdict to avoid brutta figura? with: "the knox trial"
Valentina+c replied to a question: O license for over 75 quintale vehicles? with: "Patente C"
Valentina+c replied to a question: Problems with Website? with: "problems solved"
Valentina+c replied to a question: Newbie with: "Just ask!"
Valentina+c replied to a question: spammed in pms? with: "Blocked the account"
Valentina+c replied to a question: Heloo with: "Benvenuto!"
Valentina+c replied to a question: HAPPY CHRISTMAS with: "Buon Natale"