User Activity

Valentina+c replied to a question: Caravaggio 400 with: "Details about the exhibition"
Valentina+c replied to a question: Firefox rules.... with: "Posting with Internet Explorer"
Valentina+c replied to a question: Introduction. with: "Welcome"
Valentina+c replied to a question: Italian lesson - how to say "hi" in Italian with: "...something more"
Valentina+c replied to a question: Italian lesson - what's gerundio? with: "Hello Bionda!"
Valentina+c replied to a question: New members with: " Hi Dave and Anna, a warm"
Valentina+c replied to a question: Roundabouts? with: "Allan Mason said: "the law"
Valentina+c replied to a question: once again, with feeling....:) with: "Welcome Again"
Valentina+c replied to a question: Intoductions with: "Welcome to the Piazza"