by Silvia Donati |
With a year’s delay due to the pandemic, the Domus Aurea, emperor Nero’s opulent residence in the heart of ancient Rome, reopens with an exceptional immersive…
by Silvia Donati |
It’s the ultimate collection of Greek-Roman classical sculpture: the Torlonia Collection in Rome is considered the most prestigious private collection of…
by Silvia Donati |
Six fragments of frescoes dating from the first century AD that had been stolen from the archeological park of Pompeii have been returned to the site, the art…
by Laura Morelli |
For the residents of an ancient Etruscan settlement, any time the Romans came to town, it could only mean bad news. That’s because, starting in the fourth…
by Silvia Donati |
A lost mosaic belonging to Roman emperor Caligula has been unveiled and put on display at the Italian museum in Nemi, Lazio, where it was supposedly kept…
by Anna Lebedeva |
Lately, Abruzzo has been getting a lot of attention from those seeking off-the-beaten-path Italian destinations. Apart from its natural beauty and uncrowded…
by Laura Morelli |
The ancient Etruscan people occupied a swath of central Italy stretching roughly between Campania in the south, and the Po River in modern-day Lombardy. Their…
by Silvia Donati |
It turns out fast food isn’t a modern invention. In the ancient Roman city of Pompeii, archeologists have discovered a well-preserved ‘thermopolium’, a…
by Silvia Donati |
Pompeii keeps surprising.
The well-preserved remains of two men, victims of Mount Vesuvius’ eruption in 79 AD, were discovered in the underground…
by Silvia Donati |
The Roman Forum was for centuries the center of Rome’s public life. All important social and political events took place here, from elections to public…
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