by ITALY |
words by Carol KingThe Michelin Italia Hotel and Restaurant Guide for 2013 is out, and recommends 307 restaurants in Italy, compared with 295 in the 2012…
by ITALY |
words by Carol KingBritish publishing house Hersilia Press has published popular Italian crime writer Sandrone Dazieri’s ‘In a Heartbeat’. Translated into…
by Carol King |
The latest edition of ‘Christmust’ is out. The prestigious publication features innovative Italian products and the year’s design success stories.Managed by…
by ITALY |
words by Carol KingPope Benedict XVI will tweet his first message next Wednesday, 12 December, on his new Twitter account @Pontifex.The Pope’s first tweet…
by Ted Jones |
In the middle of the 19th century, the English author John Ruskin wrote to his father from Tuscany: “You cannot conceive what a divine country this is just now…
by ITALY |
words by Carol KingThe captain of the Italian cruise liner Costa Concordia, Francesco Schettino, is writing a book that he says reveals him as a hero rather…
by Amber Paulen |
Europe swells with elegant capital cities that have captured and continue to capture the literary imagination. Rome can be fascinating for a writer for its…
by ITALY |
words by Barry Lilliephoto courtesy of ashbyelabruzzo.comOn Friday, September 28, during a ceremony to be hosted in the impressive Basilica of Collemaggio and…
by Gabi Logan |
This week the highly-anticipated memoir of Raffaele Sollecito, ex-boyfriend of Amanda Knox and murder suspect in the death of British exchange student Meredith…
by Mark Collinson |
In the summer of 2012, American Publishing giants Scribner released a revised version of Ernest Hemingway’s classic novel, A Farewell to Arms. The new edition…
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