Buying property
by John Bensalhia |
Friuli is a place for all seasons. It has attracted the attention of writer Ernest Hemingway who wrote of the wonders of Lignano Sabbiadoro. Its quiet charm…
by John Bensalhia |
John Bensalhia takes to Tuscany to find 10 tip-top properties...
This regular series of retirement articles moves to the lavish location of Tuscany. The…
by John Bensalhia |
John Bensalhia shows you round some fantastic properties to suit all requirements and prices in Abruzzo and Molise
Having reached retirement, you're…
by John Bensalhia |
Looking to retire to Veneto? Then here are 10 great properties that will suit all requirements from country homes to villas! John Bensalhia reports.
by Georgette Jupe |
With the sparkling Adriatic Sea and the Apennine mountains at a comfortable proximity, a hilly and vibrant countryside as far as the eye can see -- you have to…
by John Bensalhia |
John Bensalhia looks at some notable property investment opportunities situated in or around the beautiful Italian mountains...
There's something to be said…
by elisascarton |
By Elisa Scarton Detti
I am absolutely and filthily jealous of city expats.
They live charmed lives full of English cinemas, multiethnic restaurants and pretty…
by John Bensalhia |
John Bensalhia hunts down some unusual but brilliant properties that make for homes to live in or great property and business investments, this is part two of…
Suggested Italian Properties
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