by John Bensalhia |
Ho, ho, how would you like to read about some fantastic festive festivals in Italy this December? John Bensalhia reports.
With Christmas approaching, this…
by Silvia Donati |
Check the photo gallery below for a look at some of Italy's most original Christmas trees.
by John Bensalhia |
Meat-Free Christmas Eve
The average Christmas Day meal is enough to fill your belly for a good few days. Turkey. Meats. Vegetables. Potatoes. Italians have the…
by rochelledelborrello |
The festive season in Sicily is always such a suggestive time of year to visit the island, where you will find the locals in full traditional Christmas mode.…
by Silvia Donati |
From the world’s biggest Christmas tree in Gubbio to the Light & Music Show in Bressanone, from the Artist Lights of Salerno and Turin to the torches of…
by Georgette Jupe |
It might come as no surprise to you that it is the dream of many to leave their busy lives behind and make a new life in a country like Italy. A wild country…
by Silvia Donati |
It’s well known that every Italian region has its own culinary traditions, and it’s no exception when it comes to Christmas sweets. We picked one dolce di…
by Francine Segan |
A Natale con i tuoi e a Pasqua con chi vuoi.
“Spend Christmas with your family, but Easter with whoever you want,” a popular expression throughout Italy…
by Silvia Donati |
With the two bell towers of the Cathedral guarding over the colorful stands, and mountains sprinkled with snow framing the piazza where the stands are set up,…
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