7503 Italian Home Remedies

Didn’t know where to put this so here it lies.
I have for some time now been experimenting (on my hob in the kitchen) with various herbs and plants making oil based remedies with a lot of info from books, internet, or local knowledge which is always a +. Zanzare being the driving force and have had great success. So my unwary test subjects have told me Ha Ha Ha thunder lightning an all that.
Rosemary and lavender has been good. lemon verbena and marigold to start. I would like to know what you have found that works for you in your home, not quotes from internet sites that do great things. just how you have learned while living or staying in Italy Can be anything not just a remedy.

General chat about Italy

A cure for a cold that a dear neighbour swears by is making a tea of oregano, garlic, onion and just a hint of peperoncino, I used the dried variety. And I must say it worked. Drank it, went to bed, sweated it out, had a second cup next morning and by afternoon was feeling lot better. V

[QUOTE=villasilvana;70299]Didn’t know where to put this so here it lies.
I have for some time now been experimenting (on my hob in the kitchen) with various herbs and plants making oil based remedies with a lot of info from books, internet, or local knowledge which is always a +. Zanzare being the driving force and have had great success.[/QUOTE]

Any tips to beat the Zanzare would go down well with me.

Here you go Margaret, try this link.

[QUOTE=MargaretM;70308]Any tips to beat the Zanzare would go down well with me.[/QUOTE]

Here are a few I have tried with good results.
Weigh out 30grams of fresh rosemary and lavender stems an all.
Put them in in a small pot with about a pint of olive or sunflower oil set it over a Bain-marie cover and simmer for 2 hours, top up water as needed.
Let it cool slightly and strain into bowl, then let it cool down.
This I have found good for all flying bugs also great for sore muscles after a hard day working. I also did this with lemon verbena with around 40grams.
Put some plants of lemon verbena, lavender, marigolds and geraniums around where you sit out in the evening I rub my hands through the leaves and put on my bare skin. Marigold is good for bites stops them itching just break a leaf of and rub it in.
I have been told that if you hang a smelly piece of cheese near where you sit out (downwind preferably) the zanzare head for that.
Any mixes made up should always be tested on a small area first in case of reaction
Hope this helps

I have been told that if you hang a smelly piece of near where you sit out (downwind preferably) the zanzare head for that.

Thank you for a really interesting post. Please come back; Iv'e got to know; a smelly piece of what? :biggrin:

[QUOTE=Nielo;70347]Thank you for a really interesting post. Please come back; Iv'e got to know; a smelly piece of what? :biggrin:[/QUOTE]

Sorry about that. (Cheese) And i think its why Zanzare bite alot around the feet, hot sweaty feet yum yum:biggrin:

I was in monferrato for more than a months during the summer, at the high of the mosquito season and I covered my baby in olive oil mixed with a few drops of citronella essential oil. It worked!


A bit of salt and pepper and it sounds like a good recipe for a marinade Paola. :biggrin:

[quote=Scrapspal;70665]A bit of salt and pepper and it sounds like a good recipe for a marinade Paola. :biggrin:[/quote]

Hi Scsapspal just checking out your link and was alarmed by the amount of references to Deet, have a look. Deet seems to have been forgotten about because it works?
[url=http://www.newstarget.com/001586.html]Chemical Mosquito Repellant DEET Causes Neurological Damage, Gets Absorbed Through The Skin[/url]

I'm not really sure what you mean? what does my recipe suggest? That I am going to roast my baby in an oven or something??? poor wee soul...

Well thanks for all the recipes and remedies! Why couldn't you have suggested all this in May! Before we'd all been bitten!:wideeyed:

There is a very good explanation for that. Seeing as I only joined this forum in August it would be difficult to post in May sorry about that.
Heres another one

A lemon verbena hair rinse that stimulates the pores and helps circulation of the scalp and also can help keep zanzari buzzing round your head
One handful of lemon verbena leaves.
250ml of boiling water.
Pour boiling water over leaves in a bowl, leave for an hour or so.
Strain water into bottle and pour rinse over your hair after conditioning.

Also when sitting out chew some gum as they hone in breath and body odor and don’t sit out after working i.e. if sweaty, have a shower straight away as you’re less likely to get bitten this way.

[quote=villasilvana;71856]There is a very good explanation for that. Seeing as I only joined this forum in August it would be difficult to post in May sorry about that.
Heres another one

A lemon verbena hair rinse that stimulates the pores and helps circulation of the scalp and also can help keep zanzari buzzing round your head
One handful of lemon verbena leaves.
250ml of boiling water.
Pour boiling water over leaves in a bowel, leave for an hour or so.
Strain water into bottle and pour rinse over your hair after conditioning.

Also when sitting out chew some gum as they hone in breath and body odor and don’t sit out after working i.e. if sweaty, have a shower straight away as you’re less likely to get bitten this way.[/quote]

Thanks I'll remember all that for next year then!

Sorry rap my knuckles for not noticing you joined in August!

Please do change that ' Bowel' although I know you mean 'Bowl' just sounds rather painful!!!