In reply to A newbie all over again! by Annec
8702 Glossary Of Italian Property Terms
Hope this is useful to someone.
Sorry, couldn't find link again, but as I has put on a word doc. here it is !!!
[B]Italian Property Terms[/B]
Abbonamento: Standing charge (e.g. for electricity, gas, telephone or water services). Subscription, e.g. to a magazine. Season ticket for public transport.
Abitabile: Habitable.
Abitazione (tipo di): The housing category that determines the level of property and other taxes.
Abusivo: Abusive (the term used to denote illegal building or alteration to a building).
Acqua: Water.
Acqua di sorgente: Spring water.
Acquedotto comunale: Municipal water supply.
Acquistare su carta: Buying off plan (i.e. before a property has been built).
Affittacamere: Rooms for rent (usually cheaper than a pensione and not part of the official classification system).
Affitasi: To let/for rent.
Affresco: Fresco.
Agenzia immobiliare: Estate agency.
Agriturismo: Working farm with rooms for guests, a structure for rural tourism.
Albo degli artigiani: Official list of artisans/tradesmen.
Albergo: Hotel with up to five stars.
Alimentari: General food shop/grocer’s.
Alloggio: Lodging (usually cheaper than a pensione and not part of the official classification system).
Amministratore di condominio: Administrator of a community property (e.g. an apartment block).
Ammobiliato: Furnished.
Ammortizzare: Amortisation – the process of systematically reducing debt in equal payments (as in a mortgage) comprising both principal and interest, until the debt is paid in full.
Ampia metratura: Ample.
Anagrafe/Ufficio di Stato Civile: Bureau of vital statistics or census office.
Anagrafe canina: Census office for dogs (where dogs are registered).
Angolo cottura: Cooking corner or small corner kitchen.
Annessi: Attached (usually small) outbuildings.
Annesso: Extension.
Antico: Antique.
Anticipo di pagamento: Deposit sometimes paid before signing a preliminary contract.
Apparecchio: Appliance or machine.
Appartamento: Apartment/flat.
Appartamento ammobiliato: Furnished apartment.
Appartamento in affitto: Rented apartment.
Appartamento (di lusso) nell’attico: Penthouse.
Appartamento su due piani: Duplex (apartment on two floors).
Appartamento vacanze: Holiday apartment.
Arcate: Row of free-standing arches, carried on columns or piers forming a covered walk.
Architetto: Architect.
Arco: Arch.
Arredamento: Furnishings.
Arredato: Furnished.
Ascensore: Lift (elevator).
Assicurazione: Insurance.
Assicurazione contro i terzi: Third party liability insurance.
Astenersi agenzie: Without an agent (i.e. for rent/sale by owner).
Attaccate: Joined.
Attico: Top floor apartment or penthouse in a city or town. Attic in the country.
Atto di compravendita: Property conveyance document. (also called atto notarile).
Attrezzata: Equipped.
Autorimessa: Garage.
Autostrada: Motorway (freeway) – usually a toll road..
Avvocato: Lawyer/solicitor.
Azienda agricola: Farm.
Bagno: Bathroom/toilet (restroom).
Balcone: Balcony/terrace.
Barocco: Baroque.
Bellissima: Very beautiful.
Ben conservata: Well preserved.
Ben tenuto: Well maintained.
Bifamiliare: Semi-detached (two-family building).
Bilocale: Consisting of two rooms.
Bolletta: Bill.
Bollo: State tax stamp.Bombola:[/b] Gas bottle.
Bombolone: Gas tank (used to store liquid gas).
Borgo/Borghi: Ancient town or village, often walled.
Borgo: A suburb (or city neighbourhood) or a street leading into a suburb from the centre of town. Also a village.
Bosco: Wood.
Bovindo: Bay (or bow) window.
Breve periodo: Short period or term.
Buona posizione: Good position.
Buono stato: Good condition.
Cabina: Cabin.
Calce: Lime.
Caldaia: Boiler or water heater.
Camera: Room.
Camera di commercio: Chamber of commerce.
Camera doppia: Twin room.
Camera matrimoniale: Double room.
Camera singola: Single room.
Camera sul davanti/sul dietro: Front room/back room.
Cameretta: Small bedroom.
Camino: Chimney/fireplace.
Cantina: (Wine) cellar.
Capannone: Barn.
Caparra: Deposit.
Caratteristico: Typical/characteristic.
Carpentiere: Carpenter.
Carta bollata: An official paper with a tax stamp.
Carta d’Identitià: Identity card.
Carta da parati: Wallpaper.
Casa: House.
Casa colonica: Farmhouse.
Casa canonica: Old church house.
Casa d’epoca: Period house.
Casa gemella: Semi-detached house.
Casa padronale: Country house.
Casa popolare: Public, low-rent accommodation for low-income families.
Casa di ringhiera: A traditional Milanese apartment block with apartment entrances off a long balcony above an internal courtyard.
Casa rurale: Rural property.
Casa signorile: Luxury home.
Casa urbana: Urban property. (Note that many rural country properties are classified as urban.)
Casale: Farmhouse.
Cascina: Farmstead.
Casetta: Small house.
Casette a schiera: Terrace of small workers’ houses.
Cassone: Water storage tank.
Castello: Castle.
Catasto: Land registry.
Cemento (bianco): (White) cement.
Centralissimo: Central.
Centro: Centre.
Centro storico: Historic centre/ old town.
Ceramica: Ceramic tiles.
Certificato di matrimonio: Marriage certificate.
Certificato di morte: Death certificate.
Certificato di nascita: Birth certificate.
Certificato di residenza: Residence permit.
Chiave: Key.
Cipollino: Onion marble with veins of green or white.
Circoscrizione: A subdivision of a comune, e.g. Rome is one comune but has 20 circoscrizioni.
Clausola (condizionale): (Cond-itional) clause in a contract.
Codice fiscale: Fiscal or tax number.
Colombaia: Pigeon house/dovecote.
Colonna: Column.
Colonnato: Row of columns placed at regular intervals, possibly carrying arches.
Coltivatore diretto: Farmer.
Commercialista: Accountant who completes tax returns.
Comodissimo per i mezzi e negozi: Convenient for public transport and shops.
Complesso residenziale: Resid-ential complex.
Compromesso (di vendita): Preliminary contract.
Comune: An administrative area, e.g. a self-governing town or city. Also a municipality or county, town or city council.
Concessione edilizia: Planning permission.
Concio d’angolo: The dressed stones at the corners of buildings.
Condotta d’acqua: Water pipes.
Con gusto: Tastefully, e.g. fur-nished or decorated.
Condizionamento d’aria: Air-conditioning.
Condizione: Condition.
Condominio: Condominium or apartment. Also an apartment block.
Convivere: Sharing, e.g. an apart-ment or house.
Congelatore: Freezer.
Conguaglio: Adjustment. The term utility companies use to refer to a bill (issued twice a year) based on actual rather than estimated consumption.
Consegna: Exchange of contracts.
Conservatorio: Conservatory.
Costruttore: Builder/developer.
Costruzione: Building.
Contatore: Meter (e.g. electricity).
Contenuto dell’ abitazione: House contents/inventory.
Conto: Bill/account.
Conto estero: Foreign currency bank account.
Contrada: District.
Contraente: Contracting party.
Contratto: Contract.
Contratto di affitto: Rental lease.
Contratto preliminaire di vendita: Preliminary contract of sale.
Coppi (vecchi): (Old) roof tiles.
Corridoio: Hall/corridor.
Corso: Main street/avenue/ boulevard.
(in) Corso di costruzione: Being built, in the process of being constructed.
Cortile: Galleried courtyard/cloisters.
Cotto: Terracotta.
Cucina: Kitchen. Cooker.
Cucina abitabile: Eat-in kitchen.
Cucina a gas: Gas cooker.
Cucinotto: Small kitchen.
Cupola: Dome.
Decoratore: Decorator.
Denuncia: Legal or police statement.
Deposito: Deposit.
Deruralizzato: The process whereby a rural agricultural building (such as a barn) is legally converted into a dwelling.
Diritto di passaggio: Right of way.
Disdire: Cancel (a contract).
Disponibile: Available.
Doccia: Shower.
Dogana: Customs.
Domiciliazione: Direct debit payment (from a bank).
Domicilio: Address.
Doppi servizi: Two bathrooms.
Doppi vetri: Double-glazing.
Doppio garage: Double garage.
Due piani: On two floors (e.g. a duplex or maisonnette).
Edificio: Building/structure.
Edilizia: Builder’s yard.
Elettricista: Electrician.
Emergenza: Emergency.
Ente Nazionale per l’Energia Electtrica (ENEL): The national electricity company.
Elettrodomestici: Appliances (e.g. cooker, washing machine).
Ente Nazionale Italiano del Turismo (ENIT): The Italian state tourist office.
Entrata: Entrance.
Entroterra: Hinterland.
Equo canone: Fair rent or rent control.
Ettaro (ha): Hectare (2.47 acres).
Fabbricato: Building.
Fabbricato rurale: A rural or agricultural building which cannot be used as a dwelling until it has been ‘de-ruralised’.
Facciata: Façade.
Fai da te: Do-it-yourself (DIY).
Falegname: Carpenter.
Farmacia: Chemist’s (pharmacy).
Fattoria: Farm. Farmhouse.
Ferramenta: Hardware shop.
Ferrovia: Railway.
Ferrovie dello Stato (FS or FSSS): The Italian state railway company.
Finiture di lusso: Luxury finish.
Finestra: Window.
Fisco: Italian tax authorities.
Fiume: River.
Fondamenta: Foundation of a house or, in Venice, a street beside a canal.
Fontana: Fountain.
Fornello: Cooker.
Forno: Oven.
Forno a legna: Wood-burning oven.
Fossa settica: Septic tank.
Francobollo: Postage stamp.
Frigorifero: Refrigerator.
Fronte mare: On the seafront.
Frontone: Gable.
Frutteto: Orchard.
Fusibli: Fuses.
Gabinetto: Toilet/WC.
Geometra: Surveyor.
Gesso: Plaster.
Gettone: Telephone token.
Ghiaia: Gravel.
Giardiniere: Gardener.
Giardino: Garden.
Gotico: Gothic.
Granaio: Barn.
Grande: Large.
Grattacielo: Skyscraper/tower block.
Grezzo: Uncut stone.
Grisaille: A style of painting on walls or ceilings in greyish tints in imitation of bas-relief.
Idraulico: Plumber.
Idromassaggio: Jacuzzi/hot tub.
Imbianchino: House painter (also pittore).
Impianto: Fixtures.
Imposta: Tax. Shutter (on windows).
Imposta Comunale sugli Immobili (ICI): Property tax fixed by town.
Imposta Comunale sull’Incremento di Valore degli Immobili (INVIM): Capital gains tax.
Imposta Regionale sulle Attività Produttive (IRAP): Regional tax.
Imposta sul Reddito delle Persone Fisiche (IRPEF): Personal income tax.
Imposta sul Reddito delle Persone Guiridiche (IRPEG): Corporation tax that applies to companies and partnerships.
Imposta di registro: Stamp duty.
Imposta Servizio Comunale (ISCOM): Tax on communal services.
Imposta sulle Successioni e Donazioni (ISD): Inheritance and gift tax.
Imposta sul Valore Aggiunto (IVA): Value added tax.
"Independent income" which sounds as if there is money involved but is in fact a strange translation of “separate entrance"
Indipendente: Detached.
Indirizzo: Address.
Ingegnere: Engineer.
Ingresso: Entrance hall.
Inquilino: Tenant.
Installatore: Installer. Electrician.
Intarsio: Inlaid wood, marble or metal.
Interrato: Basement.
Intonacatore: Plasterer.
Intonaco: Plaster.
Inventario: Inventory.
Ipoteca: Mortgage.
Lago: Lake.
Lampadina: Light bulb.
Largo: Square.
Lavabo: Wash basin.
Lavanderia: Laundry.
Lavastoviglie: Dishwasher.
Lavatoio: Public washhouse.
Lavatrice: Washing machine.
Lavoro di idraulico: Plumbing.
Legname: Timber.
Legno: Wood.
Libero: Unoccupied. Free.
Libretto di lavoro: Work booklet or permit.
Locanda: Inn/small hotel (usually cheaper than a pensione).
Loggia: Covered area on the side of a building. Gallery or balcony open on one or more sides, sometimes arcaded. Small garden house.
Luce: Electricity, lights.
Lungomare: Sea-front road/ promenade.
Lusso: Luxury.
Maniero: Manor.
Mansarda: Attic.
Manutenzione: Maintenance.
Marca da bollo: Tax stamp.
Mare: Sea.
Marmi: Marble.
Mattone: Brick.
Mensile: Monthly.
Merceria: Haberdashery shop.
Mercato: Market.
Metrature: Size.
Metri quadri (mq): Square metres.
Mezza pensione: Half board.
Mezzogiorno: Colloquial name for the southern part of Italy. Noon.
Millesimi: Term used to express the portion (in thousandths) of a community property owned by each owner.
Misura: Size. Measure.
Mobilio: Furniture.
Modernizzare: Modernisation.
Monolocale (con servizi): Studio apartment.
Monte: Mountain.
Moquette: Carpet.
Multiproprietà: Timeshare.
Municipio: Town hall.
Muratore: Mason. Bricklayer.
Muratura: Stonework.
Muro: Wall.
Mutuo compreso: Mortgage included.
Notaio: Notary.
Nuova: New.
Occasione: Bargain. Offer.
Officina: Workshop.
Oliveto: Olive grove.
(in) Ordine: (In) order (i.e. good condition).
Originali: Original.
Ostello: Hostel.
Ottima posizione: Excellent position.
Ottime condizioni/ottimo stato: Excellent condition.
[B]See next new thread for P to Z[/B]
Very useful.
Why don't you ask the powers that be if it can be made a sticky, so that it doesn't get lost in the threads?
Oh and I'll add one, you often see on translated details "Independent income" which sounds as if there is money involved but is in fact a strange translation of “separate entrance”!:laughs: