9000 Italian Style Decorating

I have found an interesting link on the subject:

[url=http://www.home-decorating-reviews.com/italian-style.html]Italian Interior Decorating Ideas[/url]

In my opinion, decoratihg is a very personal matter. It is not simply what trends and styles are all about, but also, your house should reflect the owner's personality and tastes.
I find the Italian magazine "Casaviva" very useful as it gives plenty of information and addresses. It is obtainable overseas, as I usually buy it in Spain.
Books published by Taschen, such as "Tuscany Interiors", "Icons - Tuscany Style", or even "Living in the Countryside", all give excellent ideas.
I am sure that you all have your own sources of inspiration, so please share them with us.

P.S. Thank you Ronald for creating this special section.


Well yes nice to have a section on furniture but better to change it to "Furniture And Furnishings" perhaps or "Interior Decor"

That was the heading which I originally suggested, Sally.

Yes I noted that Gala but I also said "perhaps" it might be a good idea to add the furnishing aspect of interior design or more accurately interior decoration to the heading. Please don't feel offended. It was merely a suggestion.

No offence taken, Sally. As you were away, I thought that you had not read the previous posts on the subject. I think that this topic is been discussed quite often and it is easier if all threads are grouped together. Before they were all over the forum as nobody knew where to place them.

Many interesting books and magazines dealing not only with Italian interior decor but also with construction and projects can be purchased or browsed through:

[url=http://www.dibaio.com]Di Baio Editore - Riviste monografiche e specializzate per l'arredamento e l'architettura[/url]

All in Italian; however, it helps with vocabulary acquisition and it also has plenty of good ideas.

excellent link I could waste quite a bit of time going through all those mags!This page is all about walls treatment with stone/plaster /wood etc.
[url=http://www.dibaio.com/]Di Baio Editore - Riviste monografiche e specializzate per l'arredamento e l'architettura[/url]

Yes, Manopello, the link was a great discovery through a magazine I bought in Italy called COSI IN CASA.

Here's a list of Italian magazines:-

[B]Subscriptions on Lin[/B]e A site offering subscriptions to Italian magazines such as Marie Claire, Starbene (health), Sale e Pepe (food), Grazia and Donna (women's), Panorama (weekly newsmagazines), Ciak (movies), and Topolino (Disney comics, a good way to learn vernacular Italian). [url=http://www.abbonamentionline.com]abbonamenti.it[/url]

[B]Abitare[/B] [url=http://www.abitare.it]Abitare: tutto su interior design, progetti, architettura e tendenze[/url]
Very sophisticated magazine, aimed at architects and interior designers

[B]Amica [url]http://www.rcs.it/amica[/url] [/B]
This former weekly women's magazine is now a monthly, aimed at a sophisticated audience with emphasis on fashion

[B]Anna [url]http://www.rcs.it/anna[/url][/B]
One of Italy's many weekly magazines for women, with fashion, advice, beauty, some culture, targed to a middle-income audience

[B]Brava Casa [url]http://www.rcs.it/bravacasa[/url][/B]

[B]Capital [url]http://www.rcs.it/capital[/url] [/B]
Slick monthly magazine for businessmen with articles about personalities, fashion, how-to, the first in its field

[B]Carnet [url]http://www.rcs.it/carnet[/url][/B]
Dedicated to cultural events, this monthly has extensive listings along with related articles

[B]Class [url]http://www.class.it[/url][/B]

[B]Computer Inter@ctive [url]http://www.mondadori.com/interactive[/url][/B]
A copy of Capital which preceded it, Class is also targeted to the businessman

[B]@Computerworld Italia [url]http://www.idg.it/computerworld[/url][/B]
The Italian version of the U.S. Computer World

[B]D Donna di La Repubblica[/B]
D Donna di La Repubblica is a weekly women's magazine that comes with the Saturday edition of the daily newspaper La Repubblica[/B]. [url=http://www.dweb.it]Sei di Moda[/url]

[B]"]Donna Moderna"[/B]a very snappy weekly magazine, combination of general interest and woman [url]http://www.-donnamoderna.it[/url]

[B]Famiglia Cristiana Modern[/B]a [url]http://www.stpauls.it[/url]
Sometimes the largest selling weekly magazine in Italy, the general interest publication was originally sold on the church steps after Mass on Sunday

[B]Gente Viaggi[/B] [url]http://www.genteviaggionline.it[/url]
One of several lavish magazines dedicated to travel, both in Italy and abroad, which often features texts by well-known authors. Some articles and photographs are available in the archives ("archivio"). In Italian.

[B]Glamou[/B]r [url=http://www.glamour.com]Daily celebrity gossip, fashion trends, beauty buys and horoscopes[/url]
The Italian version of the U.S. monthly magazine comes in a much smaller format than normal but has a lot of editorial comment, Italian style.

[B]GQ (Gentlemen's Quarterly) &NBSP[/B]; the Italian version of the U.S. magazine includes articles on film, sport, motors, nightlife, sport, hi tech and other subjects.

[B]Il Giornalino[/B] [url]http://www.stpauls.it[/url]

[B]Il Mondo[/B]
Il Mondo, published by Rizzoli which is one of Italy's largest publishing houses, is a weekly business magazine. The web features an index of articles in the current issue as well as an archive of 48,000 articles. There are also linkes to two other sites, Soldi on Line and Antea edizioni. [url=http://www.ilmondo.rcs.it]Il Mondo - on line[/url]

[B]Intimita[/B]' [url]http://www.quadratum.it/intimita/home.html[/url]

[B]Internet News[/B] [url]http://www.inews.tecnet.it[/url]
One of the first Italian magazines dedicated to the Internet, aimed at the business manager rather than the tekkie.

[B]La Cucina Italiana[/B] [url]http://www.quadratum.it/cucina/home.htm[/url]

[B]Macworld Italia[/B] [url]http://www.idg.it/macworld[/url]

[B]Max[/B] [url]http://www.rcs.it/max[/url]
A general-interest magazine for men, known for the sexy calendars of TV and movie starlets it publishes

[B]Milano Finanza[/B] [url=http://www.milanofinanza.it]Finanza, borsa, valute, economia, previdenza - Milano Finanza Interactive Edition[/url].

[B]Mondoerre[/B] is a monthly magazine devoted to the world of children with subjects including music, sport, news, nature, and a monthly poll for participation. [url=http://www.mondoerre.it]:: MONDOERRE :: Il Mondo dei Ragazzi ::[/url]

[B]Panorama[/B] The first Italian newsmagazine patterned after Time Magazine, originally in partnership with its publisher Mondadori - its web site is full of information, photographs, and links [url=http://www.panorama.it]Panorama[/url]

[B]PC Magazine[/B] [url]http://www.jackson.it[/url]

[B]PC Professiona[/B]l [url]http://www.mondadori.com/pcpro[/url]

[B]PC Week[/B] [url]http://www.mondadori.com/pcweek[/url]

[B]PC World Italia[/B] [url]http://www.idg.it/pcworld[/url]

[B]Prima Comunicazione[/B] [url=http://www.primaonline.it]PRIMA COMUNICAZIONE - Il newsmagazine sulla comunicazione[/url]
The only Italian magazine (monthly) dedicated to Italian media, mostly the printed press. For those who read Italian it's full of information on the people who run the country's newspapers and magazines, as well as several acid columns written under pseudonyms like "Pit Bull" by the magazine's editor Umberto Brunetti.

[B]Rivista Archeologica Italiana[/B] Italian Archelogical Magazine, [url=http://www.archeomedia.it]Benvenuti su archeomedia[/url]

[B]Tutto[/B] [url]http://www.athena2000.it/tutto[/url]

[B]Tuttomot[/B]o [url=http://www.tuttomoto.com]Tuttomoto.com - .::Home Page::.[/url]
All about motorcycles

[B]Viaggi e Sapor[/B]i [url]http://www.viaggiesapori.it[/url]
Launched in 2002, this lavish magazines can be enjoyed even if you don't read Italian. Although most of the features are about places in Italy, sometimes they venture abroad. Each issue is packed with at least 450 photographs, 32 small maps created by their own cartographer, and at least 350 addresses of hotels, restaurants, and shops, especially those featuring artisanal products. Gastronomic weekends are featured along with lists of art exhibits, flea markets, fairs, and other items of cultural interest.

[B]Ville & Casal[/B]i [url=http://www.villeecasali.com]Ville&Casali - La prima rivista di arredamento country living e immobili di prestigio[/url]
For lovers of good living in the country, this monthly publishes spreads with lavish photos on some of the most beautiful country residences in Italy, along with ads for properties on sale, one of which is chosen for a "makeover"

[B]Weekend Viaggi[/B] [url]http://www.quantum.it/weekend/home.htm[/url]

[B]Zerouno[/B] [url]http://www.zerouno.mondadori.com[/url]

I have bought Amica and I find it very similar to Vogue and very good value at 3 euros a very thick copy.

We could add to the list "CASAVIVA" through the same [url=http://www.abbonamenti.it]abbonamenti.it[/url]

We all like to get interior decor ideas. I buy quite a few magazines and books as I always find something which would inspire me. Not that you are going to copy what you see exactly as it is; however, colour schemes, special effects, can always develop into other ideas which would be more suitable for your personal taste, the room you are trying to decorate or even your budget.
I found this website which has great ideas for Tuscan interior decor, although some are a bit "overdone" and the hand of professional interior decorators is too obvious. Nothing against interior decorators, they have the knowledge and they can achieve great results; however, I think the owner's touch is important as the house should be a reflection of those who live in it. Anyway, this particular business is located in Texas, which I find very amusing, although you can see that they import their goods from Italy. Have a look:

[url=http://www.accentsofsalado.com/homedecormain.html]2008 Tuscan Decorating Design - Tuscan Home Decor Decorating Ideas for Tuscan Style Mediterranean and Old World Kitchens, Bathrooms and Homes[/url]

The best book I have seen is the one given to me as a present by friends before we moved over here. Beautifully photographed with some lovely ideas. its called Italian Country Living by Caroline Clifton-Mogg, published by Ryland Peters and Small, and covers different styles from Rustic through to Contemporary. Well worth it for insperation and ideas, or just to look at the pretty pictures!

Ah that is a lovely book Angie - You can have a wee shifty - [url=http://www.amazon.com/gp/reader/1841728004/ref=sib_dp_pt#reader-link]Amazon Online Reader : Italian Country Living[/url]

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

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