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A Place in the Sun: Home or Away
Friday 14 March
8:00pm - 9:00pm
Channel 4

Isle of White vs Lazio

Series in which property experts Jonnie Irwin and Jasmine Harman help people trying to decide whether to buy in the UK or abroad. This week a retired London cabbie and his Italian wife are looking for a retirement home, with a choice between the Isle of Wight and Lazio.

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General chat about Italy

Damm missed it, need to look out for a repeat showing. Who won?

Yep I'm in Uk at the moment and caught the prog. V interesting but Mainly about coastal living - prices much higher near the beach etc. A good prog and viewer enhanced, for the lads anyway by the very attractive presenter (sigh!). All these progs make me wish for a follow-up abt 2 years after, "did it work out?" etc