9022 Italian animal welfare organisations

A UK organisation that finds homes for retired greyhounds has been approached by an Italian person who wants to bring greyhounds to Italy for rehoming. A couple of UK animal welfare organisations with whom I am in contact think that this is a bad idea, but their argument would benefit from the support of a Italian-based animal welfare organisation that could provide some kind of statement about the number of dogs in Italy already needing homes. Please contact me if you think you can help.


General chat about Italy

Just seen on RAI 1 News, the first greyhounds have arrived in Milan from Ireland . The new owners where all there to meet there new pet . I think they are expecting more to arrive soon .
It seems that each dog has a home to go to on arrival .But yes you are right there are so many stray and abandond dogs here , does make you wonder why nobody has started a drive to find some of them homes.

There must surely be more to the story of retired Greyhounds coming to live in Italy? Figurativley speaking, some of us retired greyhounds have chosen to come to live here too! So I can see the attractions for us but not for canines.
We have various friends in Umbria who are trying desperately hard to find homes for Italian dogs and raising funds to keep them alive. Only yesterday, I was asked if I knew anyone who would take on two dogs (can't recollect the breed) who are a pedigree breed somewhat like Lions, male and female and must stay together...guess what they have been living in an apartment in ROME!!!! They need a fenced in property to live in. I would be pleased to put a possible owner in touch with the person who asked.

[QUOTE=Noble;85649]We have various friends in Umbria who are trying desperately hard to find homes for Italian dogs and raising funds to keep them alive.QUOTE]Likewise down here in Puglia, the number of stray and abandoned dogs is horrific.

[url=http://www.aispa.co.uk/]Welcome to AISPA - The Anglo Italian Society for the Protection of Animals[/url] This organisation is a charity based in England solely for the benefit of Italain animals and birds. They have a facility in Abruzzo for rehoming dogs and cats

This one is not only an Italian animal welfare association, as they are very active on animal news and issues, but also an excellent link for those of us who travel with animals. Excellent addresses, discounts, general information. "Tequila" gives them her seal of approval.
Have a look at:

[url=http://www.dogwelcome.it]Viaggiare e fare vacanza con il tuo cane o gatto - Dogwelcome - Vacanze e viaggi in Italia ed all'estero con cani e gatti - Hotel, agriturismo, campeggi, trasporti, accesso spiagge dove gli animali domestici sono ammessi[/url]

Their music is obnoxious, though... nobody is perfect....