9151 It's About Time!!!

Plans for mobile use on flights - [url=http://uk.news.yahoo.com/pressass/20080326/tuk-plans-for-mobile-use-on-flights-6323e80.html]Plans for mobile use on flights - Yahoo! News UK[/url]

Travel & Holiday Advice

On reflection what a disaster. Bad enough mobiles in use on public transport.

Definitely to me not a good idea, one reason being that surely this will be another item to check when going through security.

Why do people want to use their phones on a plane anyway? Surely they can do without them for a few hours?

Imagine someone next to you talking on their mobile all through the journey when all you want to do is perhaps relax and have a snooze. Oh dear, please please no!:no:


Well, you have to hand it to the man - O'Leary sure knows how to exploit an opportunity.

[url=http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/technology/7899446.stm]BBC NEWS | Technology | Ryanair allows mobile phone use[/url]

Let's just hope it doesn't catch on for flights to Italy!

Oh it will make change from hearing "I'm on the train can you hear me?"

So perhaps in the future, the plan is for Ryanair to sell tickets at a premium, to those of us who want to sit in a "quiet area" to avoid teenagers and chatterboxes!!! Thereby making money both ways.

Now that's clever!

[quote=Noble;111538]So perhaps in the future, the plan is for Ryanair to sell tickets at a premium, to those of us who want to sit in a "quiet area" to avoid teenagers and chatterboxes!!! Thereby making money both ways.[/quote]

Chief executive Michael O'Leary said: "I think the big users here would be teenagers..."

[B]TEENAGERS[/B] at call costs of between £1.50 and £3 per minute!!! :nah::nah::nah:

[FONT="Comic Sans MS"]Yes they will just expect the parents to pay it for them, and they will probably text each other even if they are on the same flight :laughs: [/FONT]

For anyone who has not read the article.

So far Ryanair has only done the mobile phone modification on 20, mainly Dublin, based aircraft, so little need for most of us to worry about this.

Personally I’m sick to death of Ryanair on this forum. Fair enough when it directly involves Italy or Italian flights but honestly!

Nielo, if it wasn't for our Sals copious Bryanair threads on this forum - there would be very little else. We should be truly grateful. :bigergrin:

True, and Stansted weather has be done, but we could try....handy places to kip over before you catch the red-eye to Italy ...[URL="http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&view=text&hl=en&q=weather+east+mids+airport&ie=UTF8&sll=52.844429,-1.337689&sspn=6.207996,29.710672&latlng=52857302,-1298741,5771639660990969665&ei=3QWgSZqMHaeC3AKm0LynBQ&sig2=uuOsLzAX1ZD30gj1t8rp5Q&cd=2"]weather east mids airport - Google Maps[/URL] :bigergrin:

I don't know what's happend, but something has sucked the life out of me this afternoon. I've almost lost the will to live. :winki:

It could be Forum Disappointment Syndrome. You know where you come wanting to share information about Italy and unless you talk about it to yourself… well you might as well just stare at the Bryanair website for days in case you miss any changes. Or watch paint dry?

Forum Disappointment Syndrome? Forum Syndrome Disappointment? F S D? Those initials mean nothing to me. :no: