In reply to A newbie all over again! by Annec
In reply to A newbie all over again! by Annec
I don't think your friend can travel on their Italian ID card. If the card is examined, it will probably say 'non valido per l'estero'. If it does say that it means it isn't useable as a 'passport'.
If it doesn't say that - then I don't know, but if an Italian can travel to the UK on an ID card then your friend should be okay.
In reply to A newbie all over again! by Annec
Airlines always ask for your passport.
In reply to A newbie all over again! by Annec
I have an Italian ID card and even my bank in England would not accept it as a further proof of identity along with my passport! Don’t think you would stand much chance with immigration.
In reply to A newbie all over again! by Annec
This has been discussed before. NB If you are Italian and have an Italian Identity Card you can use it instead of a passport to travel within the EU. - [url=]Crossing the border on the basis of an identity card? -[/url] If you are English you cannot use your Italian Identity Card and you need a UK passport.
In reply to A newbie all over again! by Annec
I know Italians can travel on an Italian ID card rather than a passport and i was told that once I have held my Italian ID card for 5 years, I will be able to travel on that too....although I was told lots of things am just starting to realise might not be too spot on!!!
The English (Italian) ID card and the Italian ID card look the same at quick glance but ..have different wording...and that`s what makes the difference to being able to use it for travel to the UK..
In reply to A newbie all over again! by Annec
There are two types of ID cards in Italy:
One can be used for entering countries within the European Union, including Great Britain. However this is only valid for Italians and not for foreigners with a Italian ID card, they can only use their ID card within Italy and therefore need a passport as well.
[I]La carta d'identità italiana è il documento principale di identificazione per i cittadini italiani o residenti sul territorio, rilasciata a partire dal quindicesimo anno d'età. L'utilizzo di questa, o di un documento con foto considerato equivalente, è obbligatorio ai fini del riconoscimento, seppure con limitazioni. [U]Può inoltre essere convalidata come documento valido per l'espatrio[/U].[/I]
[FONT=Verdana]Can anyone end a disagreement for me. Can you travel to England on an Italian identity card? I have an English friend who has Italian residencia, and reckons you can travel on it without the need of your English passport. Air travel that is. Does anyone know if this is right.[/FONT][/quote]
If he looks on the back of his Italian Identity Card, he will undoubtedly see the following:
"Documento non valido ai fini dell'espatrio".
This means that his Identity Card is not valid for foreign travel. Whilst it wouldn't stop you travelling across any of the Schengen borders, it would be a big problem if you were to be stopped by the authorities. Travelling into the UK (which is outside of the Schengen area) would be a highly risky business, as they do tend to like stopping and checking your documents when you both enter and leave.
Don't ever leave your passport at home, in other words, unless you enjoy a "challenge".