9316 moving to Tagliacozzo, Abruzzo

My husband and I are moving to Tagliacozzo, Abruzzo at the end of this year. Is there anyone already out there who'd like a new English friend? I'm English; my husband's Italian but speaks perfect English. Does anyone know Tagliacozzo? Has anyone experienced train connections into Rome from Tagliacozzo or know anything about what it's like to commute into Rome?

We're buying a rustic farmhouse and we're currently looking for an architect/surveyor in the Tagliacozzo area. Any recommendations, anyone?

Thanks, Sonia :smile:

Introduce Yourself - Piacere Conoscerti

Hi and welcome to the forum, have not heard of Tagliacozzo, but have found it on the map! You are a long way from me so cannot assist at all, but the very best of luck.

Welcome to the forum, you are right on the Lazio border I think so I am a bit of a long way away too. I have sent you a private message.

Good luck

Hi, honey,
We're right on the other side of Abruzzo, but have been through your place on the train...will be doing so tomorrow, as myself, my suocera and my OH have to see his uncle in hospital in Rome. Not sure how frequently the trains run to you, but for us, it's about every 3-4 hours.
Good luck with the house, and with the move, and keep in touch!