9384 Hello Everyone!

Hello everyone! I've been enjoying this website for some time now so thought I'd introduce myself. My name's Colette and I live in Liverpool although I hope that one day, in the not too distant future, I'll be living in Italy. My best friend lives in Guglionesi (Campobasso, about half an hour from Termoli) and I visit to stay with her several times a year (her husband is Italian). I've fallen in love with the place and have made lots of friends (even with my poor Italian :smile:) and miss it more each time I come home. My only wish is that rubbish old Ryanair would provide better links to the South of the country. I have previously flow Blackpool - Stansted - Pescara but then they stopped the Blackpool flight, so I tried Liverpool - Ancona but then they stopped the Ancona flight. I've tried the Liverpool - Rome route a couple of times but it's a bit of a slog, especially as it means leaving at 5am to catch my flight home and it also means my friends having to drive me as the only bus wouldn't make it in time and the trains take [I]forever! [/I]I was over in Guglionesi mid April and am planning on going over again in July but this time I'm going to drive to Stansted and fly to Pescara, which is much more convenient in terms of my friends picking me up from the airport. I don't relish the 4 hour drive to Stansted but it seems the best option.

I'm currently putting in as much time and effort as possible to improve my Italian. I did join a night school class but had to give it up due to work committments so right now I'm learning with a package I bought online and so far it seems to be working well for me. I can't wait for the day when I can have a good old conversation with someone but it still seems a million miles away!!


Introduce Yourself - Piacere Conoscerti

Hello and welcome. That was a nice intro ... unusual to fall so head over heels for a place just through visiting a friend, and very brave to consider uprooting yourself on that basis, even with the kowledge that your friend is out there to help you. Hope it all pans out & keep up the language studies!

Welcome and great to hear from you. Keep us posted about your progress. Best wishes,

The southern part of Italy can be hard to get to but as you found sometimes the places hardest to visit are the best prizes. Best of luck.