9428 pms

I am trying to empty my pm folder which is almost full, why when I press confirm for empy folder they are still sitting there?help plse, or shall we have a poll on it?

Whoops done it myself!!!

Italy Magazine Forums - Announcements & Queries - No Longer Applicable

I have been asking for help with my pm page for a while but so far nothing has happened, frustrating but typical I'm afraid!

Have you remembered to tick the delete box before clicking delete?

Please credit Angie with some sense Nielo!!! lol (I have no problems whatsoever with my pms)

Angie - yes, the issue is probably remembering to click on the delete box. Let me know if it worked out for you

Nielo - working on it but no luck yet. The problem is not so much the feed button but something in the code.

Thanks Ronald, I can just about operate the pm page but it is pretty difficult and if you can do something to make it easier I would be most grateful.

And there was me thinking it was a thread on Pre Menstral Stress (I know its PMT, but on first quick glance thought 'eh up, somebody's got the hump')

Eh up Paula Post Menstrual Stress is PMS!!! lol

Yes thank you Ronald, I did sort it out, was pressing delete, so wasnt that, will now forget how I did it until the next time!