9450 Learning the language from internet.

I have a daughter who is going to Rome as an au pair in August. She would like to get some lessons that she can put onto CD or an MP3 player. I have downloaded some very good free courses in French through Limewire but can't find any full course in Italian. Does anyone know where I might find something on the internet that I could download?

General chat about Italy

Try [url=http://www.geocities.com/f_pollett/i-ind.htm]Teach Yourself Italian - Grammar Page[/url]

This may be too dry and too comprehensive, but it's the only thing I've ever found on the web that's worth much more than a few minutes of amusement - in fact I printed the whole lot off years ago.

I look forward to seeing what other people recommend.

try the michel thomas learn italian you should be able to find it through limewire or torrent download [url=http://www.michelthomas.co.uk/italian.htm]Welcome to the Michel Thomas Website[/url]

I am not sure if you can load this to an MP3 but many US library systems offer the Rosetta Stone program free via their web-sites to library members. You may check with your local library if this is available.

Try looking around at [url=http://www.about.com]Welcome to About.com[/url], Italian language lessons -- there are hundreds of free downloads available, many with graphics, listen+repeat, etc. DH uses these on his iPod, works great.

Cannot recommend any downloadable lessons, but the BBC website has an interactive language site and offers basic courses in Italian.

You do not say what level your daughter's italian is, but she can also access italian newspapers and some tv programmes through the net (such as [url=http://www.larepubblica.it]La Repubblica - un sito dedicato all'uomo, il suo benessere e il suo destino[/url] and [url]www.raiclicktv.it[/url])

If you are based in London, there is an italian bookshop in Covent Garden and they have a vast range of books for anybody studying italian (all levels). They also sell on line - check [url=http://www.italianbookshop.co.uk/]The Italian Bookshop - Italian language and literature books and Italian Courses[/url]

Best wishes
Mrs Z