9383 New road from Ascoli to Fermo?

I have heard that a new road may be built from Ascoli Piceno to Fermo. Has anyone else heard about this and if so when is it likely to be built and what route is it to take? I have searched the web but have not come up with anything.

Travel, Talk, Safety

I have not heard this and I'm not sure if it would be needed. There is superstrada from Ascoli to the A14 and north to Fermo. Fermo could benefit from a better road up the hill into town. Going direct from Fermo to Ascoli would require going through/over 3 major river/hill systems and considering the ongoing feud on finances since Fermo split off as a separate province I imagine funding would be a big problem.

If it is in the talks don't expect anything for 20 yrs, think of the time for the new Ascoli - Comunanza route to open.

I think Bruno that they are constructing a ring road around Fermo(?) as you drive up the hill to the town from the Oasis shopping centre coming in from the left halfway up is a new road under construction, not sure where it would lead you out to though, or even when it might be finished. But if you are going to the coast via Fermo there is that cut through that takes you around the back of the town, missing all those lovely roundabouts and junctions.

I have to agree with Bruno. I am quite happy with the route via the A14. A new road does not seem to offer any advantage and would be extremely expensive to construct. I posted the thread just to see if anyone had heard the story.

I haven't heard of this, but I did hear of plans for a road from Offida to fermo via Carassai & Petritoli

Actually there is a very nice section of new road that makes a by-pass around Offida...there have been large mounds of dirt on either end blocking access for two years.

To the best of my knowledge the road is actually from Macerata to Ascoli and from information the locals have give me the first stretch from macerata has been built and is a few kilometeres inland from Fermo it currently finishes near to where it crosses the main road inland from Oasi near to Saddam sugarbeat factory. The route from here is rumoured to be on the inland side of Monte Giberto. Petritoli, and Carassai from there I don't have any info. There is also going to be a new road from Fermo to link directly with the autostrada exit at Porto San Giorgio. If I find out any more details I will update accordingly.

Thanks for that info Rod. Sounds like some good road links (if/when they get completed).

PS unfortunate name for a sugarbeet factory!!