9730 Rain, rain, go away!!!!!

Having arrived approximately 5 weeks ago at our casa in Gravedona, Co, we are wondering when the rain will cease!! It seems other parts of Italy are experiencing similar,if not worse and we wonder if this is 'normal' for this time of year in this area or whether we were just very fortunate on our previous trips to have sunshine most of the time? :veryconfused:

General chat about Italy

Well I live just accross the lake from you and I can assure you that this is NOT normal! Yes we always get short storms in the mid to late afternoon at this time of year, but they arrive and depart with the local breeze (the 'breva') most afternoons.

The locals, while pleased about the rain for the crops, are distinctly unhappy this year at the quantity. This is now causing their root crops to begin to rot as the ground is just not draining properly. It will, they hope bode well foir the fruit crops in the Valtellina later in the summer, but for now it is a problem. It's not enough that the sickness which affected the bees and ruined much of the pollination of the fruit for them, now this water problem is just anothr headache.

Isn't it miserable and it's supposed to continue here in to the weekend. Last May/early June was incredibly wet too but then we barely saw a drop until November. Feel so sorry for people coming on much looked forward to and invariably far too short holidays.

Hi Violetta

Just looked at the 7 days forecast and rain and thunder every day with ..... one day without thunder. It's been so bad our lovely black lab. Vaz is getting really spooked by the thunder.

Have tried Bachs Rescue Remedy with some effect but if anyone has any better advice I would greatly appreciate it.

Try a little lavender or camomile oil on a cotton pad in the pets bed this works for my cat on journey to the vet or stormy weather.

Regards Lin

Just checked the local forecast here in the NW. More rain expected, and with the wind coming round to the North possibly snow down to 2000m!