9789 Nice Article in the Guardian

Hidden Gems

Jane Dunford on her ultimate hideaway in the Sibillini mountains, plus our top undiscovered mountain destinations

[url=http://www.guardian.co.uk/travel/2008/jun/14/lakesandmountains.europe1?page=1]Lakes and mountains: The ultimate hidden gems | Travel | The Guardian[/url]

Le Marche

Thanks for that, Robert is an experienced walker and does guided tours of the area mentioned in the article, if anyone is interested plse pm me.

2 articles on one Saturday! Next they'll be calling it "the new Tuscany".

Le Marche has been and gone as 'the new Tuscany' Anne. "The new Tuscany" is now Lazio, or is it Abruzzo or perhaps erm...... where's that other place? :bigergrin:

Possibly Anne was being ironic?, we live here, its beautiful, not sure how you can capitalise on that.Who cares what the new whatever is, rather trite to even mention it.

[quote=juliancoll;91600]Le Marche has been and gone as 'the new Tuscany' Anne. "The new Tuscany" is now Lazio, or is it Abruzzo or perhaps erm...... where's that other place? :bigergrin:[/quote]

Gee thanks for putting me straight Julian