3D Virtual Tour of Fermo Province

05/26/2010 - 15:06

OK I've slightly oversold it in teh title - but this is better than a lot of Italian websites.  Check out your own spot in the new Fermo Province. http://www.provinciadigitale.it/default.asp And what's this I hear about smaller provinces being done away with - after all the fuss in separating from Ascoli!!



hi Anne,yes with the new budget one of the features is that all provinces with a total population less than 220.000 will be closed.there are about ten including Fermo and Ascoli Piceno.For those of the population who have been wanting for years for them to get rid of these institutions( which was initially the plan when the regions were created in the begining of the seventies) this is a small start but goes in the right direction.There is going to be then pressure on the regions to then start supressing single municipalities or grouping them together into larger units which all makes good sense and in the marche especially in our area there is much to do in that direction too given the size of many/most of the comuni inland.so we'll see what happens.unfortunately we're used to big declarations which end up being compromized in time..

I couldn't find anything on the UK news about this - only a comment on my Facebook from Italians incensed - presumably by the wasted time, effort and money. Or maybe that some jobs for the boys are now under threat!