10030 Resident status !!

Hi, I'm Gary and have an old Mill house in Tuscany.
Have had it for over three years and stay there about five times a year for about a total of 4 - 5 months. I love it.
I currently live in the USA but I'm from New Zealand.
I'm trying to decide if it is worth while becoming an Italian Resident.
I believe my yearly tax and some utility bills would be less and I could then also be able to buy and insure a car.
However I have heard arguments for and against gettinf Resident status.
Is the process different for a non EU applicant? Is there a "Packet" you can request that details the total process?
I had problems trying do do a search on this web-site, so I'm asking for your expert advise.



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As far as we are aware you will actually need to live here all the time to be eligible, which seems fair!

Hi David and Linda,

thank you for your reply. My plan is to increase the time I stay in Italy over time.
However, in Italy (like New Zealand and the USA) you do not need to live in the country 100% of the time to obtain "Resident" status. The main problem I have at present, is that by not having resident status, I can not buy a car.
That is actually the main reason I would like to do it. I am curious to know what people on this forum did and if there was any impact positive or negative as a result of the action they took. Maybe my situation is different and that most people on this forum are already living in Italy full time. I can't live in Italy full time right now but I have been told by the local commune that I can apply for Resident status in Tuscany because I own a house in Tuscany and pay local taxes. I do not have to work in Italy so there is no tax problem involved. Hope this extra info helps

Thank you


I'd start off here
[url=http://www.portaleimmigrazione.it/]PORTALE IMMIGRAZIONE - Automazione Permessi/Carte di Soggiorno[/url]
[url=http://www.poste.it/azienda/ufficipostali/eli2/soggiorno/]Poste Italiane - Guida per il rilascio e il rinnovo del permesso e della carta di soggiorno[/url]

Thank you. Good site and it has a section for EU and Non- EU Citizens


This may also help you:

[url=http://www.justlanded.com/english/Italy/Tools/Just-Landed-Guide/Visas-Permits/Visas]Italy Guide: Visas, Who needs a visa and documentation required EU nationals don’t require visas for visits[/url]

My advice will always be to contact your nearest Italian Consulate and check all requirements with them directly.

Best wishes,

You can buy a car here and not be resident. I know several people who have done so but they were all Europeans. In the past there were threads on this Forum regarding this subject so worth double checking.

I lived in Italy for almost 4 decades and as a resident had to pay Italian income taxes as well as declare my earnings to the IRS (with an exclusion of $80,000 on earned income). If you are a US citizen keep this in mind.