10046 Art exhibition Navelli 14th-24th August

I'm helping out at this Navelli art exhibition - four wonderful artists taking their inspiration from the area.

It's called [I]"L'artista e gli spazi dell'uomo"[/I] and opens on 14th August in the Palazzo Santucci (the big building at the top of Navelli). It will move to the community centre above the main square for the 2 days of Navelli's sagra - 23rd-24th August - in order to be in the middle of the sagra.

If you'd like an invite to the opening reception (6-9pm on the 14th August, wine & nibbles and meet the artists) do drop me a line with your address asap.

Getting to Navelli:
[url=http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&hl=en&geocode=&q=navelli&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=32.610437,79.101563&ie=UTF8&ll=42.236398,13.720207&spn=0.11896,0.30899&z=12]navelli - Google Maps[/url]
Navelli is a beautiful mountain comune on the main road (SS17) between l'Aquila and Popoli (this is the road you take between l'Aquila and Sulmona). It's about 20 mins from l'Aquila or 40 mins from Sulmona. Coming from Pescara direction, you come off the Tiburtina at Bussi and head toward Capestrano (SS153).[IMG]http://www.pwillartnews.co.uk/CROPS-ABRUZZO/118011_untitled.html[/IMG]

Do & See

Who are the artists Sue? Are they expats or local? (not that it makes any difference, just interested)

I'll try and get along to the exhibition but sadly I'm busy on the opening night. Good luck I hope it all goes well.

There's an old artist from Navelli who did lots of beautiful drawings of the paese. I think the originals are for sale for about €125 each.

Then there's an artist who paints on old doors in very colourful fashion. He has decorated one of the restaurants in the area, but I've forgotten what it's called. Anyone been?

There's a artist of national repute who I think is called Callisto di Nardo.

And then there's an English artist for whom I'm translating called Pam Williams who isn't an expat but has visited and been inspired by the Abruzzan territory.

May be others too, I'm not too sure!

There is an artist local to me who's paintings and pastel work are superb. He is originally from England but living here now.

I'll see if I can let him know about the exhibition, I'm sure he would be interested.

Sue I know your access to The Internet is limited so I hope you don't mind me continuing your promotion!!!

Callisto Di Nardo -



Pam Williams
