10068 Current Internet Dial-up Speeds

Is anybody suffering from very low or non-existent internet speeds at the moment in the 0733 (Macerata) area code? It seems to have been very up and down all week.
I hope so, otherwise it must be some issue from my end! Oh dear.

Cost of living - Utility Services

We are ok so it may be that there is a problem with your local exchange rather than the main 0733 one. Is your phone line ok?

I've had a very poor broadband connection for the last 3 weeks or so (near Loro Piceno). I had wondered if it was due to schools being out, or an influx of holidaymakers with lap-tops! It seems particularly poor when the wind blows!!!

Oops - poor when the wind blows! I like that comment. Seriously, it could well be a problem with your very local line (ie the bit of wire which comes to your house). Hunters tend to shoot it out (or, even worse, only half shoot it out) so when it rains the 'wet' gets in through the bullet graze...really quite difficult to detect unless you get the techncians there when the snag is evident.

You complain about 'dial-up' speed - now do you mean old fashioned dial up or bad adsl? Bad dial up is frequently down to a dodgy line. Check it out and (as anne2 says) how good is your voice line? If it is marginally poor then 'dial-up' internet will be dreadful. Dial 187 and report a guasto.

Our dial up has been slow ever since the schools broke up and on wet days (when the kids are inside playing games on the internet) it is worse.

We also notice when America wakes up and goes online.

We phoned Italia Telecom and all they said was ‘it's your computer’. When we said ‘no it’s your service’ they hung up - twice.

We have an alternative means of connection but if the dial up continues to be so poor once the kids are back at school we will try telecom again, if we can keep them on the line long enough!

When we said ‘no it’s your service’ they hung up - twice.

This seems to be their way of dealing with anything they don't want to hear!
With regards to dial up speed it seems to me that it is generally ok until ADSL is available in an area, then it mysteriously slows up or keeps chucking you off,. Perhaps I am cynical but there you are!!

With regards to dial up speed it seems to me that it is generally ok until ADSL is available in an area, then it mysteriously slows up or keeps chucking you off,. Perhaps I am cynical but there you are!![/quote]

It would be interesting to hear from a telecom techie whether there is any good explanation for this happening, because it certainly seems to be true, and you are not alone in beng cynical about the reasons!