10080 prima casa tax clarification

can anyone provide a definitive answer to this question.If the restoration of our house over runs the 18month requirement to take up comune residency for the reduced tax rate for a prima casa, can we be renting in the comune until the house is finished and still be eligible for the reduced rate. Or to put it another way must we be living in the house we have bought and are renovating within 18 months or is it enough to be resident at a different address in the comune with the intention of residing in the hous e on which we have paid the primam casa tax ????
We have been told by several sources that it is sufficient to be resident somewhere in the comune but no one seems to be 100% sure. please help!


What you've been told is correct; Its enough to be resident in the Comune. You don't have to live in the house. Do remember to give the address of your rented house (and you may need to show a contract) when you register at the Anagrafe. If they send the Vigile round to your 'building site' house and you are not there, it may throw a spanner in the works.

While you are fixing it, that property is still your "prima casa" and you are only temporarily living in the other house for the duration of the works as Marc says. But get all the necessary documents to justify what you are doing. Talk to the Comune and explain the situation, it is better if they know beforehand.