An update on healthcare in Ascoli

06/08/2010 - 08:03

OK, it's been a while since I did an update but the Mayor of Amandola had very kindly agreed to take it up with ASUR13 on my behalf so I was waiting for him. He unfortunately got no further and was given the same reason of needing to "count" us as being the reason that we can only have a 12 months inscription into the health service. He gave me the person's number who was responsible for this reason and suggested I call him. I did and had a very heated "discussion" with him. At first he tried to claim there was a "Regional Law" that prevented him from allowing us our permanent inscription. After much pushing on my part for a copy of this "law" he admitted there isn't one and the decision was his and his alone (as I suspected all along). This doesn't get us any further along as his position is that no-one is being left without health cover because if we don't present the documents they ask for (even though they have no right nor jurisdiction to aks for them and it is in fact against the European ruling to ask for them) then it is our own fault if we don't have health cover. I have contacted the prefettura in Ascoli Piceno whose responsibility it is to make sure public bodies comply with the law and give a good service. I will be sending all the documents on to him this week and he has agreed to look into it. The only other option we have open to us is to go to the press. I am quite happy to do this although being 8 months pregnant means I won't be doing much in a real sense very shortly for a few months. If anyone else is happy/willing to be a part of a campaign to go to the press with this, please contact me. I would like to put together a group of people who are willing to get involved. If I knew how (is it even possible?) I would put a sticky at the top of this group to explain who is affected by this "rule" so that you can decide if it will affect you in the near future. If it can't be done I'll do a separate post.


I just tried to get a written response from the admin office at Amandola hospital and they refused. I called the carabinieri and they still refused. The ywould only send it to Ascoli for a written refusal which I know won't be forthcoming as it is the responsibility of the person who is refusing us in the first place to write it. He says no-one has been refused cover so clearly he won't be putting that in writing.