10091 Passport Theft Sparks Urgent Inquiry

Apparently according to Reuters, a consignment of 3,000 blank passports and visas destined for embassies abroad have been stolen from a security van.

[url=http://uk.news.yahoo.com/rtrs/20080729/tuk-uk-britain-passports-fa6b408.html]Passport theft sparks urgent inquiry - Yahoo! News UK[/url]

Travel & Holiday Advice

Shouldn't be too much of a problem [to paraphrase a Passport Office minion] - they all have 'chips' in which will show up as stolen when 'swiped' at UK Immigration desk.

I'm not sure I believe that its that simple.


and the driver only nipped into the newsagents for his Daily Sport :laughs:

I was actually thinking that people who were needing to renew their passports in say Rome may have a delay in obtaining them .....


Maybe not at UK, or EU desks, but they would work in many other places, and also be used as identity documents for identity theft crimes.