10115 I Wonder

Okay you cannot receive BBC iplayer outside the UK, but is it the same for ITV??? - [url=http://www.itv.com/catchup/]ITV Catch Up[/url]

General chat about Italy


[url=http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20080404113843AAex0Xe]How can i watch itv catch abroad? - Yahoo! Answers[/url]

Hi Tuscan

Why oh why are your answers soooooooo long winded :laughs::laughs::laughs::laughs:

Sheesh, there's more than enough wind without me adding to it!


[url=http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20080404113843AAex0Xe]How can i watch itv catch abroad? - Yahoo! Answers[/url][/quote]

Do you not mean yes it is the same!!! lol

[quote=Sally Donaldson;94134]Okay you cannot receive BBC iplayer outside the UK, but is it the same for ITV??? - [url=http://www.itv.com/catchup/]ITV Catch Up[/url][/quote]

Oh yes you can. :yes: See this thread:


Without the intermediary I was hoping. There actually should be I feel, an agreement set up within say the EU to "share" tv output on these video players.

:yes:I pay my tv license in Italy AND in UK and surely there must be a way for that to be acknowledged by UK TV allowing internet access to most programmes